Rise of Kingdoms

How to Migrate to a New Kingdom

How to Migrate to a New Kingdom
Rise of Kingdoms Guide


With a recent update to Rise of Kingdoms, the game now allows you to now migrate to a new kingdom. Previously you could just teleport to different locations with your Kingdom, but now, as long as you meet the requirements, you can migrate to a new kingdom of your choice.

So to migrate to a new Kingdom, first of all you need to find the kingdom that you want to go to then check the requirements.

For all migrations, you will need passport pages, a lot of times you'll only need one passport page. You can get passport pages by purchasing them in your Alliance Shop if they are in stock, or paying for them as part of the New World bundle.

Purchasing the New World Bundle to get a Passport Page
Purchasing the New World Bundle to get a Passport Page

So first, select your kingdom, then from the list of provinces, tap the immigrate button, this will bring up the requirements, generally these are:

Migration Requirements

1: City Hall Level 16 or higher

2: Sufficient Passport Pages

3: All march queues are empty

4: Neither your City nor your troops are in battle

5: You do not belong to an alliance

6: The number of resources you possess does not exceed the protection capacity of your storehouse

Selecting a Province within a Kingdom
Selecting a Province within a Kingdom

If your immigration request is successful, the game will automatically restart and your city will reappear at a random location in the selected province.

After immigrating to a new kingdom, you will need to wait 30 days before you can immigrate again. Also all event data will be reset after the immigration. Are you sure you want to immigrate to this kingdom.

One thing to note, and that is the migration function cannot be used within the lost kingdom, so you must teleport back to your main kingdom, then immigrate from there.

What about the resources in my item bag?

The resources in your item bag do not count towards your total that you must be under in order to migrate. So if you have too many resources, you only have to lose the ones that are in play currently, not those in your item bag.

What about speedups?

There are no requirements for speed ups in order to migrate to a different kingdom.

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