Rise of Kingdoms

Afternoon Delight

Afternoon Delight
Rise of Kingdoms Guide

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Afternoon delight is a five day event in Rise of Kingdoms. It follows the same format of other similar events where each day a new set of tasks are unlocked, but you have up until the end of the whole event to complete everything.

Afternoon Delight Event - Rise of Kingdoms
Afternoon Delight Event - Rise of Kingdoms

The tasks fit in with the normal gameplay, you just probably have to do a bit more that you would normally to complete most or all of the tasks.

As well as the normal prizes of resources, speedups and tomes, you'll also get Green Leaf for completing tasks. Collect the Green Leaf and you can exchange them for rewards in the Sunny Breeze event.

For the best rewards in the Sunny Breeze event you'll need to collect Flower Petals, you will get some Flower Petals in the Afternoon Delight event, for example if you log in every day for 5 days, you will get 2 flower petals every day.

The other way to get Flower Petals is to 'Fertilize' the tree with 100 Gems in the Tree of Fellowship event, you will receive a Flower Petal for every 100 Gems that you spend.

The best rewards in the Sunny Breeze event are the Legendary Statue Heads, which cost 25 Green Leaf and 10 Flower Petals each, and you can purchase up to 30 of them. The other big reward available is the permanent Spring Blossoms theme for your City which costs 100 Flower Petals and 200 Green Leaf.

Getting green leaf is not the problem, it's pretty easy, you'll get them via collection resources and when battling barbarians - Not every time, but they will drop a lot of times with those tasks.

The problem is in getting the Flower Petals, and currently, then only way it looks like you can get them is via spending 100 Gems at the Tree of Fellowship for 1 Flower Petal, or logging in every day for the duration of the Afternoon Delight event, for 2 Flower Petals a Day. So you'll get 10 Flower Petals in total.

Let's take a look at all tasks in the Afternoon Delight Event

Afternoon Delight Tasks

Day 1

Daily Business - Log in every day for rewards

Field Collection - Gather resources on the map

Academic Elite - Increase Technical Power (Complete research at the Academy). Later in the week there will be a use speedups task, you should probably wait until that day before you consider using speed ups to increase troops power.

Day 2

Step by Step - Consume Action Points - You'll need to consume 5,000 action points to complete all sections. You use action points by fighting barbarians or participating in fort rallies.

City Defense - Defeat Barbarians - You'll need to defeat barbarians 300 times to unlock the top prize. The best way to do this is to send multiple sets of armies fro your own City to defeat a single barbarian hoarde. If you send four sets of troops to do this, and you win the battle with all four sets of troops engaged in battle at the time of defeat, then that will count as four defeats against barbarians... Then send them off again to hit more etc... Killing 300 barbarians hoards takes some time, but it will consume a lot of action points too!

Ready to Attack - Increase Troop Power - You'll need to increase troop power by 100,000 to get the top prize in this task. Later in the week there will be a use speedups task, you should probably wait until that day before you consider using speed ups to increase troops power.

Day 3

Barbarian Invasion - Attack Barbarian Forts - You'll need an active alliance to complete this one as it relies of Fort Rallies. There are Gold Keys on offer here as well as speedups for each milestone reached up to 30 attacks.You can pick up 6 Gold Keys if you complete all the milestones up to 30 Forts.

Alliance Action - Help your Alliance - There are two tasks in this section. One is to help your allies, complete this by tapping the shake hands icon when you see it, this will help your allies, you'll get a point for each ally helped this way. The final goal is help 400 Times, it's very achievable especially in an active alliance that is taking on a lot of Barbarian Fort battles and is actively participating in this event. The other task in this section is Alliance Donations. You make these by going to Alliance > Technology and finding something that you can donate some resources to. usually your alliance has a selected item which is recommended. If you can, you should donate there. There are milestone rewards for up to 200 Alliance Donations, the rewards are speedup based, so it's a really good one to try to complete.

Tiles and Bricks - Increase Building Power - You get more building power when you complete building upgrades, there are rewards up to 100,000 building power increases. You can check out how much building power you will get for each upgrade by tapping the upgrade icon on each building.

We recommend that you wait until Day 4 before using speedups to complete building upgrades because there is a speedup usage task on Day 4 usually.

Day 4

Sprint for the Win - Use speedups - There are tiered rewards up to using 3,000 minutes of any type of speedups. Now is a good time to think about using them to finish the earlier Academic Elite (Day 1) and Tiles and Bricks (Day 3) tasks. Although you can still complete these tomorrow, and probably use fewer speedups.

Import Trade - Purchase items in the Courier Station - There are milestone awards up to 80 items. You'll need to pop in regularly over the next two days and make lots of courier station purchases. For sure, buy anything that is just paid for resources (not gems), then also take the free refresh. You may want to consider buying some items with gems if you have some spare, or if things look cheap.

If you are particularly behind and want to complete this task, then consider buying the items that are the least priced in gems too.

Accumulate Strength - Train all army units - There are two milestone rewards, one for each type of army unit. The milestones are at 1500 and 3000 units. You definitely want to complete all of these tasks as you always need army. The units can be of any level, but always it is best to make the best units that you can of each type.

Day 5

Protect the Holy Site - Collect Runes and Defeat Guardians - Runes you will find near Guardian sites throughout the map and you just need to send a commander there to mine them. They offer temporary buffs such as increased gathering for a time period, increased building speed etc...Guardians are best defeated with co-ordination from your alliance. In our kingdom, a time is set, and everyone gathers at the time to defeat the Guardians together, this way, more people get the chance to complete this part of the event.

More information can be found on our Sanctum Guardians page.

Teamwork - Claim Alliance Gifts - You'll only be able to complete this if you are part of an active alliance (Further Reading: Finding a Good Alliance). Each time someone from your alliance makes a purchase (with real money) a gift gets awarded to the whole alliance, you just have to collect it via the Alliance > Gifts tabs.

You can also get gifts when your alliance defeats a Barbarian Fort.

Resource Output - Collect Resources in the City and Map - Here you just need to collect any type of resource in your City - There are milestone awards up to 500,000. And also collect Food (500k), Wood (500k) and Stone (400k) on the map.

End of Event Chest

At the end of the event you'll be able to claim a chest based on how may of the 100 tasks in the event you managed to complete!

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