Puzzles & Survival

Heroes & Nanoweapons List

Heroes & Nanoweapons List
Puzzles & Survival Guide

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Nanoweapons are buffs for your heroes in Puzzles & Survival. Here we are going to list out the weapons available and the heroes they are for. For more information on nanoweapons you can check our NanoWeapons Guide.

NanoWeapons have exclusive hero stats
NanoWeapons have exclusive hero stats

To use a nanoweapon you must equip a hero with it. You can only do this once the hero reached level 211. Each weapon will the give some general buffs to any hero that you equip it to and to the troops that the hero commands in any march you assign them to.

In addition to this most weapons have exclusive buffs that activate when it is equipped on a specific hero. This means that getting a high quality weapon that is exclusive for your best heroes will give very good benefits.

Below is the list of weapons and their hero affiliations

Weapon Hero Exclusive Buffs Apex Only
Deathclaw Ironclaw Troop DEF, Troop HP, Troop Size Troop Size
Tesla Canon Scarlett Troop DEF, Troop HP, Troop Size Troop Size
Power Fist Obsidian Rider HP, Rider DEF, Rider ATK Rider Damage UP
Thunder Hammer Zephyr Fighter HP, Fighter DEF, Fighter ATK Fighter damage UP
Incinerator Phoenix Shooter HP, Shooter DEF, Shooter ATK Shooter damage UP
Mace of Terror Meyers Troop DEF, Troop HP, Troop ATK Troop damage UP
Phoenix Helm Mars Troop DEF, Troop HP, Troop ATK Troop damage taken down
Ice Katana Requiem Troop DEF, Troop HP, Troop ATK Rally Troop damage boost
Plasma Scanner Eve Rally Troop HP, Rally Troop DEF, Rally ATK Rally Size
Ocular Drone Leah Troop DEF, Troop HP, Troop Size Troop Size
Desert Magnum McCarty Build Speed, Infirmary Heal speed, Research Speed Training Speed
Inoculator Fox Troop DEF, Troop HP, Troop ATK Rider damage from shooter down
Binding Chains Ulrik Troop DEF, Troop HP, Troop ATK Fighter damage from Rider down
Infrared Rifle Ephriam Troop DEF, Troop HP, Troop ATK Shooter damage from fighter down
Dual Tachis Tomoyo Troop DEF, Troop HP, Troop ATK Fighter damage against shooter
Recurve Bow Nam Hayul Troop DEF, Troop HP, Troop ATK Shooter damage against Rider
Mutated Arm Marlowe Troop DEF, Troop HP, Troop ATK Rider Damage against Fighter
Remote Detonator Agent X Rally Size, Rally Troop HP, Rally Troop DEF Rally ATK
Lightning Whip Levina Troop DEF, Troop HP, Troop ATK Scramble Troop ATK
Mechanical Heart Wali Rider HP, Fighter HP, Troop DEF Rider ATK, Fighter ATK
Remote Drone Lora & Jessie Shooter HP, Rider HP, Troop DEF Shooter ATK, Rider ATK
Bio-field Generator Nataly Fighter HP, Shooter HP, Troop DEF Fighter ATK, Shooter ATK
Ultralight Satchel Angelo Rider HP, Shooter HP, Troop DEF Rider ATK, Shooter ATK
Ice Axe Hanu Ichiro Fighter HP, Rider HP, Troop DEF Fighter ATK, Rider ATK
Masquerade Mask Dara Shooter HP, Fighter HP, Troop DEF Shooter ATK, Fighter ATK
Laser Pistol Atropos Troop DEF, Troop HP, Troop ATK Raid ATK, Defender ATK
Powered Exoskeleton Mantis Rally Size, Rally Troop HP Rally Troop DEF, Rally ATK
Deathbass Lady M Troop DEF, Troop HP, Troop Size Troop Size
Nunchaku Lee Troop DEF, Troop HP, Troop ATK Additional Troop ATK / HP
Sniper Rifle Samuel Troop DEF, Troop HP, Troop ATK Additional Troop ATK / HP
Firefighter Axe Chia-hao Troop DEF, Troop HP, Troop ATK Additional Troop ATK / HP
Grandmaster's Staff Wuxin Troop DEF, Troop HP, Troop ATK Additional Troop ATK / HP
Boxing Gloves Celine Fighter HP, Rider HP, Troop DEF Additional Rider, Fighter and Troop ATK
EM Cannon Kajisha Rider HP, Shooter HP, Troop DEF Additional Rider, Shooter and Troop ATK
Laser Blade Gerald Shooter HP, Fighter HP, Troop DEF Additional Fighter, Shooter and Troop ATK
Plasma Cannon Ayane Troop DEF, Troop HP, Troop ATK Additional Troop ATK / HP
Punisher Grenade Launcher Ginny Troop DEF, Troop HP, Troop ATK Additional Troop ATK / HP
Wave Earpiece Ray Ramos Troop DEF, Troop HP, Troop ATK Additional Troop ATK / HP
Terrestrial Radar No Exclusive Hero Buff

As you can see not all heroes currently have exclusive weapons. However the number of weapons available has been increasing so it is likely that more will be release for further heroes soon.

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