07. Scouting is Good - Always Scout
Boom Beach Guide
This may sound obvious but frequently my mates have found themselves facing far more defensive emplacements than they were expecting - and thus would have loaded out their Landing Craft differently had they known - simply because they neglected to Scout the location of an invasion or battle first!
When you go to the map and select a potential target all you know about that target is its estimated strength - which is the number on its icon. That does not tell you what you will be facing, just that it is a force with at least that tech level.
So instead of running blindly into battle, don't! Tap the icon on the map but use the SCOUT option in place of the ATTACK one.
Scouting costs you nothing - you don't have to pay the invasion fee to see what cards the enemy is holding in other words. Once you have your Gunboat off their beach though, you do get to see what the defensive situation is.
Do they have lots of MGs? Mortars? Is there a clear path to their HQ or are you going to lose lots of troops? If the answer is you are going to lose lots of troops you can take down your figurative tent and sneak off into the night, no shame, and no damage!
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