Boom Beach

14. Understanding the Attack Shield and Using It.

14. Understanding the Attack Shield and Using It.
Boom Beach Guide

Last Updated:

The game has a period of time once you start playing each day during which you cannot be attacked by other players. But that timer will run out each day - when it does you get a warning on the screen in red letters with a timer telling you when the shield will drop.

Once that happens you can be attacked! That is important to know for several reasons and you should always follow these rules when you are vulnerable:

(a) Do NOT alter your base defenses. When the shield is down do not change defensive postures because when you are attacked by another player the game boots you out to the start/loading screen and then shows you the timer you have to sit out while the battle rages.

A Good Defensive Layout with proper separation and overlap.
A Good Defensive Layout with proper separation and overlap.

If you messed up and made your position weaker while moving stuff around that can have a devastating effect on your base defense. Which is why we only adjust defenses when the shield is up.

(b) If the timer is close to popping on your shield and you have resources sitting offshore in native boats, DO NOT COLLECT THEM. They are safe in the boats and cannot be looted by the enemy if you do end up getting attacked, so leaving them on the boats is the best approach.

By doing that you pretty much guarantee that you have resources with which to rebuild if the worse happens.

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