Primitive Era

Woolly Rhino Statue

Primitive Era Guide
More Primitive Era

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Once you reach Chief's Hall Level 10 in Primitive Era you will discover and activate the Altar of the Sun as you expand your village. You will also get the Woolly Rhino Statue as the first of the Animal statues.

Woolly Rhino Statue

When you first activate the statue you will receive a set of parts for it. These are 2 star parts and are added to the statue to give you buffs to the ATK, DEF or HP of your troops.

Rhino Ear: Archer Attack, Infantry Defense, Cavalry HP

Rhino Nose: Infantry Attack, Archer Defense, Cavalry HP

Rhino Skin: Cavalry Attack, Infantry Defense, Archer HP

Rhino Eye: Archer Attack, Cavalry Defense, Infantry HP

Rhino Tail: Infantry Attack, Cavalry Defense, Archer HP

Rhino Foot: Cavalry Attack, Archer Defense, Infantry HP

Improving the Parts

Each of the parts can be improved to increase the buffs given. For each Part, the level limit is Lv.25, and the star limit are 7 stars. You can also Evolve the statue to give buffs to the Warrior damage and battle speed.

Woolly Rhino Statue

Enhance Parts

Select any part in the Worship option of the Woolly Rhino and tap on Enhance. Enhancing will raise the level of the part up to Level 25 but with level caps depending on the star level. To enhance you need to use Herbage offerings and also spend some gold. Using Herbage will raise the EXP of the part and then increase the levels as you reach certain Exp points.

The herbage resource can be obtained from the Trial Valley shop, some event rewards and by purchasing packs.

Star up Parts

As well as Enhancing you can also Star-Up the parts. As well as increasing the buffs this is needed to increase the level cap for enhancing. This requires Emeralds as well as gold. There are 2 types of emeralds, for star levels 1-5, you only need Emerald Ore. For 6- and 7-Star Parts you need to use both Emerald Ore and Flawless Emeralds.

Emeralds also come from the Trial Valley Shop, certain event rewards and Packs. There is also a chance of them dropping when defeating Barbarians.

Rhino Evolution

The evolution level of the status is shown on the top right. It starts at Level 0 and can be raised to level 6.

Evolution will raise Warrior Damage and Battle Speed stats. To evolve you need the Natural Essence resource, and there are also requirements to be met for each level.

Natural Essence can be gained from purchasing packs.

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