Revived Witch


Revived Witch Guide
More Revived Witch

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In order to get stronger in Revived Witch, you’ll have to improve the Dolls that you currently have by leveling them up, evolving them, ascending them, providing them with good equipment, and more. A lot of these processes involve using materials and resources which you will need to acquire. Aside from obtaining them in battles, you can also acquire a lot of things through the Gifts section.

In this page, we’ll be checking what Gifts can provide you. There are a variety of features shown here, and some gifts are free to claim, while others are a reward system for your purchase. Let’s check the available ones that you can get in the game.

What are Gifts?

Once you have unlocked the Hall of Origin, you’ll be able to view Gifts on the left-hand side of the main user interface. Here, you’ll be provided with a variety of features that provide you with items that can help you with your journey. Some items are provided for free, while there are some that you can purchase in order to provide you with a set of items over specific days.

Gifts can change as well over time, such as event periods. It would be best to check which Gift features are available often by checking this section when needed. The items that you can save from gifts will help you make your characters stronger, so make sure to use these resources on your main characters.

7-day Login

One of the first gifts you’ll ever acquire are the 7-Day Login Rewards feature. This is different from the Daily Login rewards, and it’s only provided for new players in the game. Upon logging in for a total of 7 days, you’ll be able to acquire a variety of items such as Stamina Recovery items, Soul Cryolites, and Large Soul Cryolites.

Acquire SSR Doll, Arcana on your third day
Acquire SSR Doll, Arcana on your third day

One of the rewards as well is the SSR Character, Arcana. She can be acquired on your third day, and she’s a decent Compeller that you can use on your team when needed. Once you have finished all of the login requirements, this feature will be removed from the gift section.

Growth Fund

The Growth Fund is a purchase type gift that lets you use real cash in exchange for Diamonds. The difference here from regular Diamond Packs is that the rewards you’ll be able to claim are based on your Magic Level progression (also known as your account level).

Claim more Diamonds from the Growth Fund compared to the Diamond Pack at the shop for the same price
Claim more Diamonds from the Growth Fund compared to the Diamond Pack at the shop for the same price

Once you reach Magic Level 40, you’ll be able to claim the final set of Diamonds. Getting all of the Diamonds from the Growth fund will provide you with 580 Diamonds in total for the price of $14.99. If you compare this from the Diamond Shop, it provides more Diamonds for the same price since you can only get 98 Diamonds there.

If you plan on investing in your time in the game and would like to level up your account, then purchasing the Growth Fund will help in your progress. You can save up your Diamonds and exchange them for Soul in the future which will help you with pulling in different banners.

Witch’s Journey

The Witch’s Journey is a reward system that lets you unlock quests up to 7 days’ worth in total. Each day lets you do a series of quests that you can complete, and they each give you rewards that are listed on the interface. The items that you can get will help with progressing in the game, and you get the best reward upon completing the 7th day quests.

Complete a variety of quests at your own pace in order to get rewards
Complete a variety of quests at your own pace in order to get rewards

The UR Doll, Flora, can be acquired from this gift system. The duration of the Witch’s Journey is permanent therefore you can take your time in completing the quests that are available here. Flora is a decent healer just in case you don’t have Tuonel yet in your team.

Dream Maelstrom

The Dream Maelstrom is a feature that’s similar to a Battle Pass. Here, you can claim rewards upon leveling up the Dream Maelstrom interface. You can have Dream Rewards which are free to claim, but you can also purchase the Maelstrom Rewards which can provide additional items, as well as the UR Doll named Ella.

Acquire Dream Shards to level up your rewards
Acquire Dream Shards to level up your rewards

The Dream Maelstrom levels up based on your activity in the Commission Board. You can get Dream Shards from the Commissions as well as the Pray activity meter. You can level up this interface up to 50, and then each level up after will provide you with 200,000 Mana each time after.

More gifts can be added in the future, so always make sure to check this section whenever a new update has arrived. Make sure to keep the resources you acquire and use them for your main Dolls since you cannot get them back once they have been used.

This concludes our Gifts page for Revived Witch. We hope this information has helped you out, we’ll have more pages regarding the game so please check our guide menu. If you have any other questions, feel free to check our Answers Page. You can also leave us a comment down below, we’d love to hear from you!

Anj, Staff Writer

AnjAnj, also known as 'Aryafortis' enjoys games from Nintendo consoles, as well as other genres that you can find on Steam, and on Mobile.

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