Revived Witch

Commission Board

Revived Witch Guide
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Playing through Revived Witch will require progression with the game’s story, and as such, you will also need progression with the Dolls that you have on your team. As chapters unfold, you’ll get to fight stronger enemies, as well as unlock new content that will require a strong team. Making your team better will require resources, so you’ll want to have a handy place for you to get them.

The Commission Board is a place where you can get various rewards that will help you in the game. In this page, we’ll check what features the board can provide for you, as well as you can complete the tasks in order to get items.

What is the Commission Board?

Once you have unlocked the Hall of Origins, one of your menu items that you’ll find on the main screen is the Commission Board. Tapping on this button will let you find different tabs that correspond to various activities that can be accomplished. Some of these tabs tie in with other game modes such as the campaign, while some are tied to the actions you do overall.

There are various sections at the bottom side of the board that you’ll be able to view, so let us check each of them so you will learn more about their functions, as well as possible rewards. Being able to complete tasks each day and get rewards from this board will help you on your journey.


The first tab you’ll find when checking the board are Commissions. These are small quests that you can complete in order for you to acquire Dream Shards as rewards. Dream Shards are items that you need in order to level up the Dream Maelstrom feature in the Gifts section, which is similar to a Battle Pass.

The tasks here require you to complete the specified activity for a certain number of times. You’ll notice that there may be several tasks that are similar, such as Doll Deployment, which asks you to complete the story stages with a specific doll.

Complete Commission Quests to gain Dream Shards
Complete Commission Quests to gain Dream Shards

Tip: If you have several Doll Deployment commissions, use them all in one team and then clear stage 1-4 in Chapter 1 of the main story. This doesn’t use stamina, and all deployed and backup dolls will work for the commission.

Once you have cleared all commissions available, you’ll have to wait for the new commissions to come in after the timer completes. Some commissions might take some days before they arrive, so you can complete them every couple of days if you want.


The second tab will show you the different Achievements you can complete in Revived Witch. You can have Achievements regarding various areas in the game such as your campaign progress, bond with your Dolls, Growth so far in progression, as well as Social achievements with friends.

All achievements in Revived Witch that are completed provide you with Soul that you can save up for summoning. Aside from Soul, you can acquire Badges as well that can be a part of your collection. Your achievements and badges acquired will level up based on the number you have completed, as seen on the right side of the achievements page.

Complete Achievements for Soul, Badges, and Soul Cryolites
Complete Achievements for Soul, Badges, and Soul Cryolites

The more achievements and badges you complete, then the closer you get to leveling up and acquiring a Soul Cryolite which can be used for summoning as well. You can check each tab of your achievements to see which ones are easy to complete.

Storyline Rewards

When playing through the game’s campaign, make sure to explore each area, collect all chests, and talk to all NPCs that you can find. All of your progress in the story will let you complete main quests and side quests which are rewarded in the Storyline tab of the Commissions.

Complete your Main and Side story quests for rewards
Complete your Main and Side story quests for rewards

As you complete each chapter in the game, the Storyline tab will update you regarding your progress and you can claim various rewards for your accomplishments. If you’re out exploring in the game’s various chapters, you can tap on the mini-map as a tip to see which main quests and side quests you currently have.

Pray Rewards

The fourth tab you’ll find in the Commission Board is the Pray section. This is actually the Daily missions section in the game that provide you with rewards based on your game activity. Here, you’ll be able to get activity points and you will need to acquire 100 in total to get all rewards.

Complete daily tasks to max out your activity
Complete daily tasks to max out your activity

It would be best for you to complete this each day because you can acquire Dream Shards to help with your Dream Malestrom progress, as well as Souls for summoning, and a Stamina Elixir which can replenish 100% of your max stamina. This is useful if you want to farm stages, or if you want to complete as much chapters as you can.

Checking your Commission Board each day will naturally be a part of your routine in Revived Witch. Make use of the rewards that you can acquire here in order for you to be able to make your Dolls stronger, and clear the game’s content.

This concludes our Commission Board page for Revived Witch. We hope this information has helped you out, we’ll have more pages regarding the game so please check our guide menu. If you have any other questions, feel free to check our Answers Page. You can also leave us a comment down below, we’d love to hear from you!

Anj, Staff Writer

AnjAnj, also known as 'Aryafortis' enjoys games from Nintendo consoles, as well as other genres that you can find on Steam, and on Mobile.

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