Revived Witch

Revived Witch Tier List

By Paul | Dec 4th 2021

In our Revived Witch Tier List page, we will cover which characters/units are worth considering building and investing on to help you clear the game's content.

Revived Witch Tier List
Revived Witch Tier List

Welcome to our Revived Witch Tier list page! Here, we’ll be checking the different characters that you can recruit which are known as Dolls. There are a variety of characters and classes that you can form in your team, however you’ll want to focus on good ones in order to help with your game’s progression.

Revived Witch is an adventure RPG which lets you explore different areas and battle different monsters. You deploy your Dolls into the field of battle and they will have to fulfill their roles in order to secure a fight. Your main goal is to defeat all enemies, and this can take some strategy and timing of your skills. With a variety of classes in the game, there will be characters that have exceptional abilities in order for them to fulfill their role. In our Revived Witch Tier List, we’ll be checking the best Dolls that are available for you to look out for, hopefully this will help you in your team building.


Please be reminded that Tier Lists are not “definite” measures of the character’s strength and potential. There are a lot of factors to be considered like the characters’ availability, their synergy with your team, their utility, equipment, etc. As such, please use our tier lists as what they’re meant to be - a guide. Use tier lists to help you decide whether you’ll want to invest resources and time to build a character. At the end of the day, it’s you who will decide which ones you’ll use based on preference and performance .


In majority of games, the top tiers include characters with the highest rarity. In Revived Witch, you have UR. SSR, SR, and R Dolls that you can acquire. Units who are exceptional in their field in Revived Witch can be found from the UR and SSR rarities, there are even SSR units in the S Rank category.

When summoning your 10 characters for the first time, you are provided with up to 100 chances for pulling your characters. This will give you the opportunity of pulling a UR and SSR character together, so hopefully you’ll be able to get Dolls that have good ranks on our list below. Even if your main goal is to get the highest rarity, make sure that you don’t ignore some SSR characters who provide great skills that can be beneficial for your team. Keep in mind that you’ll want to focus on your main team first and foremost since you’ll have to go through Ascension in order to increase their level caps, as well as their stats. This will cost you Ascension materials which will be valuable resources.

The Dolls that you’ll be able to acquire will fulfill different roles in terms of their gameplay, this means that you’ll need to be mindful of your team positioning since some characters need to be in the front of the line, while others need to keep safe at the back row. We’ll be providing you with the basic overview of Dolls that you’ll find in the S and A ranks of our tiers, hopefully you’ll find the information provided helpful.


Overall Tier List

Please refer to our explanations for the individual characters listed in this tier list.

S-Rank Characters

* Ella

* Celanya

* Afallen

* Tuonel

* Mineer

* Ushpia

* Amanami

* Metamorphoses

* Arcana

A-Rank Characters

* Yui

* Akasha

* Caledonia

* Nannar

* Flora

* Cynetia

* Lilia

* Mayahuel

* Goorveig

* La Crima

Top Tier Destroyers

* Ella (S)

* Yui (A)

Top Tier Assassins

* Celanya (S)

* Akasha (A)

Top Tier Guardians

* Afallen (S)

* Akasha (A)

Top Tier Healers

* Tuonel (S)

* Flora, Cynetia (A)

Top Tier Mages

* Mineer, Ushpia (S)

* Lilia, Mayahuel (A)

Top Tier Compellers

* Amanami, Metamorphoses, Arcana (S)

* Goorveig, La Crima (A)


S Rank Dolls


Rarity and Class: UR Destroyer

Destroyers are characters that enable you to deal damage while being able to survive incoming attacks. Ella excels in her role as a Destroyer and Guardian hybrid. Her scorching breath is able to provide high physical damage while dispelling opponent buffs, as well as reducing their attack at the same time. Not only that, but she can have a dragon form which reduces your opponent’s physical defense for 10 seconds. Combining all of these makes Ella very good in terms of utility.

In terms of Survival, Ella’s dragon form through her Dragon Blood skill lets her increase her damage as well as health at the same time. She’ll be able to survive a lot of hits as well as improve her DPS capabilities in one go. She also has a passive skill called Ancient Inheritance which lets her recover a percentage of her max HP per second, as well as receive a damage reduction bonus.

With all of her damage dealing and tanking capabilities, she’s able to perform her role as a Destroyer as well as a Guardian efficiently. Having high attack, debuff capabilities, self-buffs for increased attack as well as survival puts her rightly in place for S rank amongst Destroyers. Pair her with good healers, and she’ll be able to excel in keeping herself on the battlefield in order to deal damage and survive.


Rarity and Class : UR Assassin

Assassins are characters that are able to deal damage as fast as possible in order to help with overall DPS. Her skills enable her to attack all enemies which is great for taking down threats to your team. Her Blast Arrows skill let you attack all enemies 3 times with high physical damage based on her ATK, this is really powerful especially if you reach ascension 3 or higher.

Her Azure Wind skill lets her hit all enemies 5 times which deal physical damage based on her ATK. During this attack, she’ll have 10 seconds where her allies receive a buff that increases their physical damage based on her attack. Pairing her with other physical damage Dolls will be good synergy.

She has a passive skill called Dashing Arrows which lets her deal more damage and ignore the Physical DEF of enemies. At max level for her passive, she can stack this up to 20% therefore she gets stronger each time she hits enemies. With all of her skills combined, she’s a great Physical character that provides great DPS for the team.


Rarity and Class : UR Guardian

Guardians are characters that excel in taking in damage, providing cover in the frontline while providing bonuses for the team. Afallen is a good Guardian because her Barrier skill lets her create a shield that can absorb damage based on her health, and she can redirect all enemy attacks to herself within 10 seconds. If you have allies on the back that are getting hit, then her Barrier helps provide cover. During this period, she has increased physical and magic def. What makes this skill good is that the first two seconds provides her immunity to all types of damage, therefore playing on manual and timing this right is needed, especially for very strong enemy attacks.

Her second skill, Holy Radiance, lets her deal Magic DMG to all enemies based on her ATK. This dispels enemy buffs, and reduces their Magic DEF for 10 seconds based on Afallen’s own Magic DEF. This makes her synergize well with other Magic DPS Dolls.

For her passive skill, her Light of the Sanctuary lets her auto cast Holy Radiance after taking a couple of hits once per battle. This will help in terms of dealing damage and debuffing, so make sure you have a proper team composition to make the most out of the bonuses. She’s a great Guardian especially when played manually, make sure to use her immunity advantage!


Rarity and Class : UR Healer

Healers are characters that are able to provide support to your team by keeping them alive. They must provide healing, buffs, and other bonuses that can help turn the tide of the battle. Tuonel is a great Healer since her Equal Healing skill affects all allies. Not only can she provide heal, but it grants everyone a shield that absorbs damage for 5 seconds.

Her second skill, Forbidden Dark Moon, lets her heal all allies based on her ATK per second for a total of 10 seconds at max level. This grants them the Nightwish buff which increases their ATK by a certain percentage of Tuonel’s attack, and it increases damage dealt by 15%. This is especially welcome for the DPS characters she can support in her team.

Finally, her Child of Taboo passive lets her generate Chaos Energy every 2 seconds at max level. This provides great support for the entire team who requires Chaos Energy skills. With all of her three skills combined, she provides one of the best healing and overall support which is why she is S ranked.


Rarity and Class : UR Mage

Mages are characters that excel in dealing Magical damage, and some excel in single or multiple enemies. Mineer is a mage that excels in single enemy combat. Her Moonlight skill lets her deal high magic DMG to an enemy and apply a debuff called Magic Spread for 5 seconds. This debuff lets Mineer deal extra magic damage, therefore it makes her excel in single target combat.

Her Overflowing Magic skill lets her consume all Order Energy in order to attack a single target repeatedly. She will deal an initial attack based on her ATK, and this increases more at each hit. This is very good especially if you’re focusing on taking down an enemy with high HP.

Finally, her Waxing Moon passive enables her to generate Order Energy by chance whenever she deals damage. This will also increase the damage she can deal by a certain percentage for a few seconds, which makes her more powerful in terms of attacking. With all of this combined, she excels in S Rank as a single target Mage.


Rarity and Class : SSR Mage

Mages are characters that excel in dealing Magical damage, and some excel in single or multiple enemies. Ushpia is a mage that can deal damage to all of her enemies, and she has great skills even if she her rarity is SSR. Her Poison Mist skill enables her to deal DMG based off her ATK to all enemies, and it lets her stack poison for 5 seconds, this can also stack up to 10 times. Whenever an enemy is poisoned, this deals additional Magic Damage each second.

Her second skill, Venom Eruption, is similar to her Poison Mist skill except it deals more damage. All enemies still stack Poison, but the extra damage received is increased. Combining her first and second skills makes her a great AOE character with great damage output.

For her passive skill, Paralyzed, she’s able to modify her Venom Eruption skill in order to stun her enemy for 1 second at max level. Combining this passive her base kit enables her to be a good DPS as well as provide crowd control at the same time, earning her as S Rank amongst mages.


Rarity and Class : UR Compeller

Compellers are characters that provide support in terms of giving great buffs that can modify damage of allies, as well as provide bonus healing. Amanami is a good Compeller that provides ally buffs and enemy debuffs. Her Radiant Wheel skill lets her generate Order Energy and heals all allies, not only that but their attack is increased for 10 seconds which lets other characters with strong Order skills to deal better damage.

Her Seigaiha skill lets her attack all enemies with Magic Damage, this debuffs enemies that lets them receive increased magic DMG taken for 10 seconds. Pair her with other good Magic DPS characters such as mages in order to get the best out of this skill.

One of her best skills comes in her passive, Kalavin, which provides great utility for all members. This enables her to increase the damage of all allies by 20% at max level for 5 seconds, and this can stack up to 40%. There can be some modes in the game where focus on damaging will help you through, so pairing Amanami with other great DPS will help her shine as a S rank compeller.


Rarity and Class : UR Compeller

Compellers are characters that provide support in terms of giving great buffs that can modify damage of allies, as well as provide bonus healing. Metamorphoses is a unique Compeller wherein she can change masks in order to affect her buffing skills. Her skill Borrow, lets her change her mask and heal all allies while applying buffs based on her mask. Rage increases all ATK of allies based off her ATK, while Joy increases all damage dealt by allies by a specific percentage, Sorrow decreases all damage taken by allies by a specific percentage.

Her second skill, Emotion Surge, lets her attack all enemies with Physical DMG based off her attack. This increases the effect of her Borrow skill by 100% for 5 seconds at max level, as well as increases all allies damage or healing effect of the next active skills by 100% at max level.

Finally, her Soul Collection skill lets her increase her ATK by 40% at max level for 10 seconds. This is triggered every 20 seconds in battle, which lets her improve her Borrow and Emotion Surge skills. Overall, you can get a lot of bonuses from her skills and she can synergize well with other DPS characters.


Rarity and Class : SSR Compeller

Compellers are characters that provide support in terms of giving great buffs that can modify damage of allies, as well as provide bonus healing. Arcana is a SSR Compeller which provides good skills that synergize well with Magic characters. Her Fatum skill gives her the chance to increase the Magic DMG of the entire team for 5 seconds. At max level, it gives her a 50% chance to increase Magic DMG by 30%, or 50% to increase Magic DMG by 100%.

Her second skill, Divination, lets her heal all allies. She has a 50% chance to increase energy regeneration by 40%, and 50% chance to increase energy generation by 100%. Her passive skill Foresight, affects Divination wherein in gives her a 10% more chance for triggering the higher regeneration rate at max level.

As a Compeller, the bonuses she can give will be greatly beneficial for Magic characters. However, her skills involve luck as well, therefore the buffs that you will get will vary each time. Nevertheless, they are still buffs that will be greatly appreciated by other characters.


A Rank Dolls


Rarity and Class : SSR Destroyer

Destroyers are characters that enable you to deal damage while being able to survive incoming attacks. Yui is a Destroyer that deals physical damage with some damage reduction capabilities. Her Demonsbane Spear enables her to deal damage to a single target and dispels all her debuffs, this skill has a good damage modifier as well at max level.

Her second skill, Dance of Legendary Beast, lets her reduce the damage she takes, as well as increase the damage of her Demonsbane Spear. She also gets a status called Soulbreaker which converts her normal attacks to multiple hits with increased damage.

Her final skill is her passive, Spear Princess, which lets her reduce the Magic DMG she receives as well as lets her ignores the enemy’s physical DEF for a few seconds after using her Demonsbane Spear. In order to excel well, she will need a good healer to keep her alive, and she can only take down single enemies at a given time which is why she’s in A Rank for this list.


Rarity and Class : UR Assassin

Assassins are characters that are able to deal damage as fast as possible in order to help with overall DPS. Akasha deals physical damage which focuses on Single enemies. Her Meteor Slash skill lets her deal Physical DMG to an enemy twice at the back row, this also lets her increase her Crit Chance, and Crit Damage for 5 seconds which can stack up to 25% and 50% at max level.

Her second skill is Arcane: Lustre Slash, which lets her deal damage to an enemy in the back row up to 6 times at max level. Once an enemy is defeated by it, she’ll then be able to another enemy on the next back row. This deals high Physical DMG which increases over time for every slash she makes.

Her Field of Swords passive affects her Meteor Slash skill. Once she uses Meteor Slash, she has a chance to reduce the energy cost of Arcane: Lustre Slash by one. With her skill sets combined, her role might seem to be dependent on the enemy’s team formation. Not only is she a single target character, but she strikes the back rows only. Still, she’s a good A rank Assassin in our list.


Rarity and Class : UR Guardian

Guardians are characters that excel in taking in damage, providing cover in the frontline while providing bonuses for the team. Caledonia is a Guardian with the ability to heal her allies as well. Her first skill is called Overwhelming, and this lets her attack all enemies in her path. During this attack, she is immune to all damage and debuffs. She knocks her enemies and they receive physical damage, and at max level she debuffs them within 10 seconds to reduce their Physical Def by 5%. This can stack up to 100%.

Her second skill is Plume of Guard, and this lets her heal her allies based off her max health, and this also provides damage reduction for a few seconds. Her passive skill is called Sacred Beast: Strengthen, which lets her reduce her damage taken based on her max health. She can also clear any debuffs for every 30% health lost at max level.

She’s a good guardian at A rank thanks to her tanky nature and secondary healing. However, she isn’t able to stop damage from enemies reaching the back line as opposed to Afallen who can redirect all damage.


Rarity and Class : UR Guardian

Guardians are characters that excel in taking in damage, providing cover in the frontline while providing bonuses for the team. Nannar is able to perform as a Guardian with Magic capabilities. Her Guard of the Mirror skill enables her to reduce the damage she takes by 20% at max level, she also gains a Shield equal to 50% of her max health. Once she activates this, she can redirect all damage to her.

Her second skill is Curse of the Mirror, this lets her deal Magic Damage to all enemies, as well as dispelling all of their buffs and reduces their magic def which can stack up to 5 times. This synergizes well with other Magic DPS characters. Finally, she has Reflection of the Mirror as her passive which lets her have a chance to trigger Curse of the Mirror when taking in damage. This effect can be triggered once every 2 seconds.

As a Guardian, she is good for reducing damage and redirecting it, however she will need a good healer in order to survive. Unlike Afallen, she has no immunity capability, therefore redirecting all attacks to her can also be a disadvantage, especially if the enemy attack is very strong.


Rarity and Class : UR Healer

Healers are characters that are able to provide support to your team by keeping them alive. They must provide healing, buffs, and other bonuses that can help turn the tide of the battle. Flora’s Rhythm of the Lake skill lets her increase all of her allies’ ATK, DEF, and Magic DEF. At max level, she can heal the Doll with the lowest health every 0.5 seconds for a total of 3 seconds.

Her Rhythm Rewind skill lets her heal all allies and buffs them with a Blessing effect which increases their damage dealt. If a blessed Doll receives lethal damage, they can be provided with the Retrograde effect which heals the ally for 400% at max level, as well as increases their damage dealt for 10 seconds.

Finally, her passive skill is Cheerful Chord, which reduces all allies’ damage taken by 30% for 5 seconds at max level. She’s a good Healer, but loses S rank to Tuonel since her healing is mostly single target, while her team heal requires Chaos. Tuonel on the other hand, uses Order which heals all targets as well as providing them with a shield.


Rarity and Class : SSR Healer

Healers are characters that are able to provide support to your team by keeping them alive. They must provide healing, buffs, and other bonuses that can help turn the tide of the battle. Her Emergence Heal skill lets her heal a Doll with the lowest health, and it has an increased effect if their health is below 50% at max level.

Her second skill, Hymn to Bandage, lets her heal all allies with bandages for 10 seconds, which restores Health based on her attack per second. This also provides your allies with a buff which increases their ATK. For her passive, she has Joy of Agony. Whenever her health is below 50%, she removes all debuffs and restores 50% of max health and can be triggered once per combat.

She’s a good healer, but she also loses to Tuonel in S Rank due to the nature of her team healing being dependent as a second skill. Tuonel on the other hand, uses Order which heals all targets as well as providing them with a shield.


Rarity and Class : UR Mage

Mages are characters that excel in dealing Magical damage, and some excel in single or multiple enemies. Lilia is a CBT Reward character for players who participated in beta testing, however she can be added later in the game. Her Brilliant Melody skill lets her place Aurora’s Blessing on all of her allies for 5 seconds. The blessing lets all Dolls skills to deal extra Magic DMG to all enemies.

Her Aurora Surge skill lets her attack all enemies 3 times at max level, this deals high Magic DMG and she also gets control immunity whenever she does this skill. Finally, her passive is Aurora’s Blessing which lets her generate 1 Order Energy every 3 seconds at max level.

Due to her availability and skill set, she is outshined by Mineer and Ushpia in S Rank. You’ll have to consider how to get more materials for her as well if you want her to become stronger. It would be best to wait until she’s added to the regular pull roster to see if you will want to add her to your team.


Rarity and Class : SSR Mage

Mages are characters that excel in dealing Magical damage, and some excel in single or multiple enemies. Her Starlight Wrath skill lets her deal Magic DMG 3 times to a random target and applies a debuff called Soul Disperse for 10 seconds. This debuff reduces their Magic Def.

Her second skill is Storm of Nature which attacks all enemies 3 times while her passive is called Natural Law, which heals all allies for 30% of her ATK at max level. Thanks to this, she is a good mix of dealing DPS as well as a bit of support for her team.

Her first skill’s random nature is what makes her A rank since the debuff is only applied at the target that was randomly selected. Her second skill only deals damage and doesn’t have debuffs unlike Ushpia’s, while her passive skill is something that can be done by other Healers as well.


Rarity and Class : UR Compeller

Compellers are characters that provide support in terms of giving great buffs that can modify damage of allies, as well as provide bonus healing. Her Aura of the Abyss skill lets her deal Magic DMG to all enemies and increases their magic damage taken. This lets her transform as well into the Creature of the Abyss which inherits 150% of her max health, as well as letting her heal all allies for 100% based of her ATK at max level.

Her second skill is Ritual, and this lets her generate 2 chaos energy as well as healing all allies. She will also deal Magic DMG to all enemies at the same time when doing this. Finally, her passive skill is called Call of the Abyss, and this lets her increase the max health and ATK of her transformed form.

In order to maximize the usage of Goorveig, you will want a Magic Oriented team that will help synergize with her skills. You will also want characters with better Chaos magic in order to utilize the bonuses she can receive.

La Crima

Rarity and Class : SSR Compeller

Compellers are characters that provide support in terms of giving great buffs that can modify damage of allies, as well as provide bonus healing. Her Barrier of Gems lets her heal the front Doll and applies a buff called Pearl Shower for 10 seconds. This buff lets the doll restore health per second as well as reducing the damage they take.

Her second skill is Sparkle, and this lets her deal Magic DMG to all enemies as well as provide crowd control through stun. Enemies who are hit will receive more Magic DMG as well for the next 10 seconds at max level, so having a good Magic DPS as a team is useful. Her passive skill is Tear of Pearl, which lets her gain 1 Order Energy by chance if she gains damage, this can be triggered again after 1 second.

Based on her skill set, you’ll want to form a magical team around her in order to get the best of her abilities. Her healing is single focus only, therefore you’ll want a strong Guardian to get the best from this ability as well.

This concludes our Tier List for Revived Witch. We hope this information has helped you with your team building in the game. Take note that Tier Lists are never final, and they may be subject to change. Some Dolls in the game can get changes in terms of their skills through balance changes as well, and there will be more Dolls available in future updates.

Revived Witch Wiki Guide
Paul, Staff Writer

PaulVhayste started writing free guides and walkthroughs in 2006 for several online gaming sites. He has written hundreds of guides covering games from a wide variety of genres across different platforms. He's an avid JRPG and mobile gaming fan, and regularly plays games on the PC, Steam Deck, PS5, and mobile platforms. He strives to continue making comprehensive and easy-to-follow guides for his readers.

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