Revived Witch

Alchemy Lab

Revived Witch Guide
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In Revived Witch, you journey through the game’s campaign mode in order to learn more about the game’s story as well as its different characters. As the Witch, you summon a variety of Dolls in order for you to add them to your team. You can only use up to 6 Dolls in a team, and they’re even divided into deployed dolls and backup dolls. You might be wondering if there are other uses for the Dolls that you have summoned so far.

Once you have completed Chapter 2-4, you’ll be able to unlock the Witch Courtyard. This menu lets you check a place that provides you with a variety of features that can help you out in your progression, and your Dolls are able to help here to. In this page, we’ll be checking the Alchemy Lab, and learn about its primary functions and benefits.

What is the Alchemy Lab?

The Alchemy Lab is a facility that lets you convert items into other types by alchemizing them. This feature is added since there will come a time where you’ll have a lot of materials on hand, but you might not even use them often. By using the Alchemy Lab, you can place an item of your choice that’s available on your Alchemy Book, and get a chance to receive byproducts in exchange.

Convert items that you have to other types through the Alchemy Lab
Convert items that you have to other types through the Alchemy Lab

When starting out, you’ll gain access to Alchemy Lab level 1. You can then upgrade your Alchemy Lab up to 3 through the Magic 3 which will provide you with more options for converting. When starting out however, you can Basic Quartzes into other class types. More Quartz conversions will be unlocked, and reaching Alchemy Lab level 3 will let you convert other materials as well.

The Alchemy Lab will be useful especially if you will need a Quartz of a specific class type of Doll. There can be instances in the game where you’ll have excess of a certain type, so use the Alchemy Lab when needed. Byproduct drops will start low at first, but improving your Alchemy Level will help you get more.

Choosing an Assistant

On the right side of the lab, you’ll be able to choose an assistant Doll that will help you with Alchemizing. This can help provide you with the Midas Touch skill which increases your Byproduct Drop rate. However, you will need a Doll who has the Alchemy skill, as well as energy.

Be mindful of your Assistant's energy, or else they won't be able to use their skills
Be mindful of your Assistant's energy, or else they won't be able to use their skills

Using a Doll that has 0 energy will cause them to be exhausted, therefore you might have a very low byproduct rate. It would be best for you to replenish their energy first by placing them in the Cottage in order for them to recover.

Alchemy Lab Upgrades and Alchemy Level

Upgrading your Alchemy Lab will let you convert more Quartz types that are rarer, and you’ll gain access to other materials as well for conversion. When starting out, you’ll have your Alchemy at level 1. Performing Alchemy increases your Alchemy Level, and reaching certain levels will provide you with Alchemy Bonuses as follows:

TitleAlchemy Level RequiredBonus
AnalystLevel 3The generation of basic byproducts increases by 2%
DeconstructorLevel 6Thick as Thieves - Doll Alchemy Bonus: x1.5
ApprenticeLevel 9The generation of basic byproducts increases by 2%
ReforgerLevel 12The generation of basic byproducts increases by 2%
ConsummatorLevel 15Creatio ex Nihilo - 5% chance of making the amount of byproducts x2

Since you’ll be able to get the best number of items you can acquire at Alchemy level 15, you can perhaps Alchemize low quality items to help level it up. All in all, item conversion will help you manage your inventory well and get items that you’ll need to help with the progression of your Dolls.

We’ll have other dedicated pages for the facilities in the Witch Courtyard so please don’t forget to check our guide menu. As you reach near the latest part of the story, you’ll want to have your Witch Courtyard upgraded as much as you can.

This concludes our Alchemy Lab page for the Witch Courtyard Revived Witch. We hope this information has helped you out, we’ll have more pages regarding the game so please check our guide menu. If you have any other questions, feel free to check our Answers Page. You can also leave us a comment down below, we’d love to hear from you!

Anj, Staff Writer

AnjAnj, also known as 'Aryafortis' enjoys games from Nintendo consoles, as well as other genres that you can find on Steam, and on Mobile.

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