Path to Nowhere

Supervision System

Path to Nowhere Guide
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Some recent games have incorporated some sort of “a base system” or similar features where players can unlock a facility or set of facilities that they can improve or even assign characters to. Path to Nowhere has a similar feature; in our Supervision System Guide, we will briefly discuss how this feature works and how to take advantage of it

Path to Nowhere is a real-time strategy RPG where players use their authority and powers as the newly-appointed chief of an organization that captures and handles powerful entities called Sinners. Use their powers to form a combat-ready team of specialists specifically made for dealing with various threats to the city.

Supervision Overview

Your base has several individual facilities that you need to construct, upgrade, and manage once; after that they’ll run independently and passively without too much intervention. Getting them up and running as soon as possible is highly recommended so you can make the most out of their rewards. These facilities usually produce some sort of currency or consumable that will help you earn passive rewards. Some facilities can even improve your relationship with your characters, improving their compliance level and giving you a chance to earn more rewards at the same time.

You can access the Supervision screen by making sure you’re in the Feature Mode window (look at the lower-right corner of the home screen). Next, expand the features by tapping the white arrow beside the “Sinner” icon. Next, tap the building icon on the right side, as highlighted in the screenshot below.

Supervision System

In the supervision screen, you’ll see the buttons on the left side of the screen.

Construction Mode This option enables editing mode where you can move around various facilities and activate their connections to power them up.
Supervision Terminal If there are any “incidents” or events regarding your sinners, you can talk to them by selecting this option.
Collect All As your individual rooms produce resources, you’ll be able to collect them all by simply pressing this button.

Construction Mode

In this mode, you’ll be able to deploy or assign rooms in any of the available slots in the building, as long as they fit. You’ll also be able to select the individual rooms and upgrade them. Take note that everything is tied up to the Management Center’s level. This is the control center of the entire facility so leveling it up unlocks new rooms, adds new floors, and increases the level cap of the existing rooms. Only the rooms with levels can be upgraded.

Supervision System

The primary material required for upgrading the management center is the A.I. Software which is only obtainable by completing certain Main Story levels for the first time. (Simply tap the AI Software icon to view the specific stages that will award this item). The other material called Multiplex Alloy is produced passively by the Energy Furnace. You’ll start off with one furnace but as you level up your management center, you’ll get more furnaces, increasing your production rate of this alloy.

Supervision System
Supervision System

For production rooms, they have to be connected first so they’ll become active. The indicator on the top-left corner of the screen shows if the facility is running (working) and its current output. In the screenshot below, the LV3 Black Market produces 1000 DisCoins every 3:38 hours and on the top of the screen, it indicates how many hours it will take to reach the max capacity of the depot. If you’re playing daily and collecting these resources regularly, you won’t hit the cap. Leveling up the facility will increase its production rate and storage.

Supervision System

In the construction mode window, make sure to tap the Auto-Connect button on the top-right corner to have the game automatically set the most efficient connections for your production rooms and get them running.

Supervision Terminal

The events that will trigger here are random so you might even encounter events or incidents that you have resolved already before. But don’t worry, all incidents that will be listed in the terminal will be considered as new or separate incidents so your sinners will still have compliance increase and you’ll still be able to collect rewards . There will also be instances of multiple incidents happening at once. It doesn’t really matter who you’ll check first as long as you resolve their concerns or incidents.

Supervision System

That concludes our Supervision System Guide in Path to Nowhere. Please check out our online guide for the game and other articles for more Path to Nowhere content!

Paul, Staff Writer

PaulVhayste started writing free guides and walkthroughs in 2006 for several online gaming sites. He has written hundreds of guides covering games from a wide variety of genres across different platforms. He's an avid JRPG and mobile gaming fan, and regularly plays games on the PC, Steam Deck, PS5, and mobile platforms. He strives to continue making comprehensive and easy-to-follow guides for his readers.

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