Joining an Alliance
More White Out Survival
When your furnace reaches level 7, and after you have completed some specific tasks at that level, the option to create or join an alliance will become available. When it does, you'll see the alliance tab in the row of buttons at the bottom of the game screen.
Joining an Alliance
Personally, I like to join an alliance in these types of games as soon as the option becomes available, also I always look for the most active and high powered alliance that I can join.
An active and powerful alliance brings loads more benefits such as the opportunity to join more rally attacks, better alliance rewards, probably better alliance tech, and probably better protection too from enemies what probably would not want to start a war with a powerful alliance.
Joining a strong and active alliance however does come at a cost and that is usually you are expected to maintain a certain level of activeness and help contribute towards whatever goals the alliance has.
You should also teleport to alliance territory as soon as possible.
Creating an Alliance
Of course there is also the option to create an alliance, however I really wouldn't recommend it, unless you have a large following in the game of people that will join you right away.
Much better to join an established alliance and start reaping the benefits of alliance membership right away.
Alliance Territory
It's really important to move to alliance territory when you join an alliance. This helps you be closer to other players in your alliance which will reduce the march time when joining rallies.
You can also more easily help defend your alliance if necessary, and also you are a lot less likely to get attacked by another player if you are on your alliance territory and your alliance is strong.
Alliance Technology
Just like you have your own individual technology that you can research, an alliance also has their own technology trees too.
Being part of an alliance allows you to contribute to Alliance Tech which makes the alliance stronger.
Contributing to alliance tech also gives you alliance points which you can spend in the alliance shop. Contributing to alliance tech is also part of many missions in the game, and the only way you can do this is by being part of an alliance.
While you can choose which alliance tech you want to contribute to, it's best to contribute to the tech that the alliance leaders have recommended.
Alliance Shop
You can gain alliance points (or coins) by contributing to alliance tech and some other alliance activities. You can then spend those points in the alliance shop to get items that you may need.
What is in the Alliance Shop usually depends on what the leaders of the alliance decide to stock it with, but usually you'll find speed ups, shields, teleports, resources etc... All things which are handy to have,
So don't overlook the shop, it's a great way to pick up some decent items with the alliance points that you have accumulated.
Alliance Help
A major benefit to being part of an alliance is getting alliance help, this allows you to request help from your alliance to speed up building and research tasks.
The amount of help you can get is directly related to the level of your Embassy, this will dictate the number of ally assists and the amount of ally help time.
The other important factor dictating Alliance Help is how active your alliance is.
If your alliance is not so active then you may never get much help at all! So always try to be part of an active alliance to maximise the benefits from alliance help.
Alliance Chests
Loot chests are rewards that you get when other members of your alliance make a purchase with real money in the alliance shop, alliance gifts are when a rally against a structure or entity other than an enemy player or alliance building is successfully completed.
These do expire if you don't collect them in time (24 hours I think) so watch out for that.
The other item is the Alliance Chest, here the alliance works together in order to get the next alliance chest which is usually picked with good rewards. The higher level the chest, the better rewards. Various elements of alliance activity help to get more points towards the next alliance chest.
Unlike other chests in this section, there is no expiry on gathering the Alliance Chest.
Alliance War
The Alliance War section details all of the current rallies by alliance members, here you can see what rallies are currently in action and join them if you want to.
It is courteous to only join rallies that do not require long march times greatly in excess of the time left in the rally. Although each alliance may have their own rules with regard to joining rallies. Check with your alliance leaders if you are unsure.
In fact checking in with your alliance leaders and being active in the alliance chat is a great way to be part of the alliance, for connections with other players and just generally show some activity.
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