An Elmwood Trail - Crime Story

The Unjust Sentence Walkthrough

An Elmwood Trail - Crime Story Guide
More An Elmwood Trail - Crime Story

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The Unjust Sentence is the first side trail chapter added to An Elmwood Trail. The side trails are separate cases that you can investigate as detective Adam Lane. They are individual stories that are not part of the main plot.

In each of the chapters you will be presented with information and need to investigate people and places in the same was as the main story. Uncover the evidence to discover the truth in each case.

This walkthrough with assist you with the main elements of the side trail as you work through the puzzles and evidence. You can follow the conversations and story yourself thn refer to the hints and tips below if you get stuck.

Side Trail 1 - The Unjust Sentence Walkthrough

In this side trail you are contacted by an old friend Gerard Anderson. He is a Lawyer but needs your help to investigate a theft that is being blamed on his brother Cameron. Cameron is in prison and the police are refusing to let anyone talk to him.

ADA, the department you used to work for, are involved. Gerard sends you a case report

Decrypt the File

Opening files in this side trail requires you to solve a puzzle.

  • In this case the puzzle involves moving grey squares around a grid to position then in the correct locations.
  • For this first file decryption the puzzle has 4 grey squares, the target locations are the 4 corners.
  • Use the arrows at the top and bottom, left and right to move the squares in each row or column around the grid.
  • Note, this puzzle can see impossible, but you can continue to move squares beyond the grid to then wrap over to the other side. i.e. if a grey square is in the top left you can tap left and it will appear on the far right.

Once completed the file is open and you can read about Cameron Anderson. You will also learn the name of the officer in charge Matt Baxter. Tap on the name to get details on Matt Baxter.

Go back to the Side trail menu and you can now tap on the Connections option to see Matt Baxter listed with his details.

Find out Riverstone Police Department Website

On Adams phone open the Broweer app and select the option for the Riverstone Map. You can then check the pins on the map to find the one for the Police station. This will show you the web address.


You can then type this into the broweer address bar to visit the website.

Once there tap on the search icon on the top right. To find details on Matt Baxter enter his rank and ID number that you can get from the Connections information.


Rank: Sheriff

ID: 1312020

You now have some more information and a Contact option below. Use the contact option to start a conversation. You will learn that there is more information on the website portal and that it is his anniversary today.

Return to the police website and tap the user icon on the top right to log in. To log in as the Sheriff you need his ID number again and to guess his password, it is related to his anniversary.



Password: 26012008 (Wedding date)

Check the details for Case 141 - Branford Mansion - This gets you the details of the Special Investigator (ADA). Tap on this to contact Vanessa a previous Colleague at ADA.

Follow the conversation to learn about the crime and the evidence.

Deduction 1

You now need to complete a deduction to compile the details so far. Return to the ~Side trail menu and answer the questions.



Probably yes

She doesn't have a motive.

Someone did it.

Talk to Gerard again and you will send your deductions to him. He will then send you some photos that Cameron took of the missing paintings. You can then view these in the Files section of the side trail menu.

Decrypt the Photos

This is the second decryption puzzle. It is the same as the first one described above but this time has 6 squares to move to the correct positions. The highlighted locations are also in different places.

Once completed you will see 3 photos of paintings, notice the other items in the photos.

Go back to the conversation with Gerard to continue it. You will learn about the CCTV company that monitors the house. Including the website address. You then need an ID and a password. The password clue is the daughter.

Deduction 2

Answers for the second deduction.


Insufficient Evidence


Safecam website

Login to

Go to the browser and visit You want to access the camera footage from the crime. You need a device ID and the password for it.

Check the photos of the paintings to see the security camera in the first one. The Device ID is on the side.

ID: ae71244

Password: ellen

Select the date of the crime and then the time to find the correct video to watch. The details are in your previous conversation with Vanessa


11th Jan - 9PM

This should then download a file that you need to decrupt

Decrypt the video

Another decryption puzzle. Repeat the same process as before but this time with even move squares to position.

Once you are able to watch the recording pay attention to the jump in frames when the recording is interrupted. You can tap on items in the image to identify them.

When the frames jump and a vase moves on the pedestal there is a small white item on the floor below it. Tap on this to start a check.

You can then check your Files in the side trail menu to find the details of the object. A drivers license.

Deduction 4

Complete the next Deduction from this new evidence.



The thief

It's Cole Branford.

Yes but why?

Talk to Gerard about your findings

Return to your conversation with Gerard to report the new information. You can then follow the conversation with him to learn the full truth of the events and the case.

You can also talk to Vanessa

Deduction 5

The final deduction to confirm the solution to this side trail case.



Mr. Branford

ADA was not aware.


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Mark, Senior Content Writer

MarkWith 20 years of experience in creating video game content for the internet and over 30 years as a gamer, Mark is now a passionate mobile App Gamer. Loving a challenge, he is always ready to get stuck in to both survival builders and puzzle solving games. He has been providing content for AppGamer since 2014.

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