Ace Defender: Dragon War

Trials Tower

Ace Defender: Dragon War Guide
More Ace Defender: Dragon War

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In Ace Defender: Dragon War, majority of your battles are experienced through the game’s various expedition stages. However, there are still other types of game modes that you can experience as well to provide you with some variety. The Continent section provides you with different features that can be useful for you.

In this page, we’ll be checking the Trials Tower. There are a lot of different areas in the Continent that have their own uses, therefore let us check what they can provide for you in terms of gameplay. Hopefully this will help you in your daily routines when playing the game.

What is the Trials Tower?

The Trials Tower is a challenge mode that you’ll be able to participate in Ace Defender in order to get rewards for completing battles. Here, you’ll be performing Versus Battles starting from Floor 1, and you’ll be working your way up the tower until you reach the highest area that you can.

Clear versus battles and gain rewards
Clear versus battles and gain rewards

Each battle that you’ll face are similar to the ones you’ll find in the Expedition. Battles are done automatically, and the team with the higher power and skill set has the better chances of winning. Battles are completed if you have eliminated all enemy opponents.

You can use the skip feature to complete battles on regular floors, but Boss battles cannot be skipped. Each floor that you complete will give you one-time rewards, and you will move on to the next wherein the team’s power levels will become higher. There are over 800 floors in the Trials Tower.

Only Boss battles can't be skipped
Only Boss battles can't be skipped

Trials Tower Rewards

Regular floors will provide you with Breakthrough Stones, Gold, as well as Hero Shards. Once you complete Boss Floors, you’ll be given the same set of rewards, and have Diamonds added in. Clearing the Trials Tower is a good way for you to earn Breakthrough Stones that will help you with increasing your heroes’ levels.

You can preview the rewards of your current floor, and you can get a Chest daily for Diamonds and Breakthrough Stones
You can preview the rewards of your current floor, and you can get a Chest daily for Diamonds and Breakthrough Stones

You can also claim a chest reward on the lower-left side of the Trials Tower screen daily, and it will have an 18-hour cooldown. The chest will contain Diamonds and Breakthrough stones which will help you in your progression.

With a lot of floors upcoming, this will provide you an incentive in order to make your heroes stronger. Make sure to increase their levels, promote them, and provide them with good equipment in order to increase your power. Eudaemons will also work in this game mode, so make sure to get them when you can.

This concludes our page on the Trials Tower in Ace Defender: Dragon War. We hope this information has helped you out, we’ll have more pages regarding the game so please check our guide menu. If you have any other questions, feel free to check our Answers Page. You can also leave us a comment down below, we’d love to hear from you!

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Anj, Staff Writer

AnjAnj, also known as 'Aryafortis' enjoys games from Nintendo consoles, as well as other genres that you can find on Steam, and on Mobile.

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