Ace Defender: Dragon War

Ace Defender: Dragon War Tier List

By Paul | Jan 31st 2022

In our Ace Defender: Dragon War Tier List page, we will cover which characters/units are worth considering building and investing on to help you clear the game's content.

Ace Defender: Dragon War Tier List
Ace Defender: Dragon War Tier List

Welcome to our Ace Defender: Dragon War Tier list page! Here, we will be taking a loot at the different heroes that you can acquire in the game. With different types of characters you can meet from summoning in the Tavern, you’ll learn about the variety of factions and roles that the heroes have. If you want to progress with the game’s different stages, you will need to form a strong team.

Ace Defender: Dragon War has gameplay modes regarding Tower Defense mechanics, as well as Team versus Team battles. A lot of the stages that you’ll go through in the game will have a mix of both game styles, and the heroes that you have will also have different skill sets depending on the mode. In this Tier List, we’ll be checking the variety of heroes that can be worth adding in your main team, we hope that this will help you out in your decision making.


Please be reminded that Tier Lists are not “definite” measures of the character’s strength and potential. There are a lot of factors to be considered like the characters’ availability, their synergy with your team, their utility, equipment, etc. As such, please use our tier lists as what they’re meant to be - a guide. Use tier lists to help you decide whether you’ll want to invest resources and time to build a character. At the end of the day, it’s you who will decide which ones you’ll use based on preference and performance .


When summoning heroes through the Tavern, you’ll be able to get characters with various rarities such as Common, Rare, and more. In this game, specific characters can only be maxed out for their promotion to Immortal V. You can check the Hero section of the game, and look at the Index tab to see which heroes have the maximum potential. Promoting heroes will max out their level caps, and in order to get the best team, you will want heroes that can level up to 240.

Diamond Rewards are provided often in the game by completing quests and events. Make sure that you add a lot of friends as well in order to get friendship points. Hero Shards will also be provided as your rewards, which will help in acquiring heroes. Promoting your characters will take some time since you will need duplicate heroes as well in order to increase their rarity.

There are various classes assigned for each hero, so having a balanced team will help you in your progression. Thankfully, you’ll be able to level up heroes through the Shared Crystal feature in the Sky City, which will let you sync a hero’s level to your top 5 ones. Mixing and matching team compositions will provide you with a lot of possibilities. We’ll provide you with a basic overview of heroes that can be recruited, and we’ll rank them in S+, S, and A. Lower rated heroes are not included, we hope that you’ll find this information useful.


Overall Tier List

Please refer to our explanations for the individual characters listed in this tier list.

S+-Rank Characters

* Isoria

* Nordil

S-Rank Characters

* Alipida

* Angelia

* Fengling

* Karmel

* Lavigne

* Neptyr

* Sabnack

* Serenir

* Titansum

* Margeria

A-Rank Characters

* Alia

* Bathorian

* Enid

* Garrod

* Panka

* Regel

* Valkyrie

* Vladir

* Zhanyan

* Zoltan

Top Tier Warriors

* Karmel (S)

* Sabnack (S)

* Zhanyan (A)

* Zoltan (A)

Top Tier Tanks

* Neptyr (S)

* Panka (A)

* Valkyrie (A)

* Vladir (A)

Top Tier Mages

* Isoria (S+)

* Lavigne (S)

* Titansum (S)

* Alia (A)

* Enid (A)

* Garrod (A)

Top Tier Rangers

* Nordil (S+)

* Angelia (S)

* Fengling (S)

* Serenir (S)

* Bathorian (A)

Top Tier Support

* Alipida (S)

* Margeria (S)

* Regel (A)


S+ Rank Heroes


Faction: Devil

Rarity and Class: Immortal Mage

Isoria is a single attacker during Tower Defense modes. She’s able to deal damage to enemies and slow their movement which is needed during enemy waves. She can summon a phantom clone to deal area damage, with extra damage over time. She can also summon a Wonder Vortex by chance which can draw enemies and deal damage, providing crowd control. Her damage capabilities increase as well with her attack bonus from obtaining the Devil’s will.

For versus battles, she can deal ranged magic damage to enemies as a Mage. She can summon phantoms to attack enemies multiple times, and it has a chance to charm targets which will stop them from attacking her for a turn. Her attack increases as well during the phantom summon. Whenever she deploys her phantom, she can increase her def. Enemies that have been charmed can cast skills versus their own allies. Finally, her Wonder Vortex is a skill that can appear by chance which will deal ranged damage, as well as reducing their def. They can also get charmed during this hit.


Faction: Devil

Rarity and Class: Immortal Ranger

Nordil is an Area damage dealer during Tower Defense modes. He’s able to deal damage up to 5 enemies with his basic skill. He can cast a demon shackle which deals damage to 6 enemies and inflicts them with vulnerability. His Raven skill lets him get a chance of releasing demonic power which deals damage and bleed on enemies. He can increase his own attack bonus as well which increases his damage output.

For versus battles, he deals ranged damage as a Ranger. His normal attack deals damage to enemies in a row. Whenever he’s in the Demonize state, it has a chance to bind them, which prevents them from using melee skills and normal attacks. He can gain dodge bonuses thanks to his raven, and he can also gain more bonus for his ATK when Demonized. Whenever hits below 70%, he’ll activate his demonized state, he’ll also heal himself over time which increases his survival.


S Rank Heroes


Faction: Divine

Rarity and Class: Immortal Support

Alipida is a Control hero during Tower Defense modes. She an attack opponents and slow them down. She has a skill called Frost Rain which can deal damage up to 12 enemies and slow them as well. Her Frost ward skill lets her attack up to 6 enemies to deal damage and freeze them. She also gets a skill where she can turn her normal attack to a special attack which can deal damage up to 4 enemies, with double damage for enemies that have been slowed down.

For versus battles, she helps as a Support. She can deal ranged damage, attack enemies in a row as well as reduce their speed for 2 turns. She can also get Frost Armor which increases her DEF bonus and HP recovery, she’s also immune to control effects for 3 turns. Her Frozen Star skill gives her a 50% chance to deal damage and freeze opponents for 2 turns.


Faction: Nature

Rarity and Class: Immortal Ranger

Angelia is an Area damage hero during Tower Defense modes. Her normal attack lets her deal damage up to 5 enemies. She has a skill called Hail of the Arrows which deals damage up to 10 enemies in a certain area. Her Ward of the Woods gives her a 30% chance to deal damage up to 6 enemies and slowing them down. She gets increased damage as well with Trinity Arrows which enables her normal attacks to have a 30% chance to deal 3x more damage.

For versus battles, she deals damage as a Ranger. Her basic skill lets her deal 2 random enemies at the front row first. Her Hail of the Arrow lets her deal damage to all enemies as well as reduce their ATK for 2 turns. Ward of the Woods gives her an ATK Bonus and Dodge Bonus at the start of the battle. Finally, her Trinity Arrows gives her a 20% chance to attack 2 random enemies dealing ranged damage as well as charming them for 2 turns.


Faction: Light

Rarity and Class: Immortal Ranger

Fengling is an Area damage hero during Tower Defense modes. Her normal attack lets her punch a max of 3 enemies and inflicting burn. Her Rising Dragon skill lets her attack 3 enemies within her range dealing high damage as well as inflicting burn. Her Martial Power lets her normal attacks get a 25% chance of dealing extra damage to 3 enemies and burning them as well. Her Phoenix Array lets her have a chance to increase her ATK further by 20%.

For versus battles, she deals damage as a Ranger. Her basic skill lets her deal damage to the front row with a chance to blind them and reduce their hit. Her Rising Dragon attacks enemies high damage, with extra bonus damage on enemies that have been blinded. Phoenix Array lets her increase the Crit Chance of her allies at the start of battle. Finally, Martial Ward lets her get a 50% chance to gain a 5% atk bonus for every 5%hp lost. Whenver her HP drops below 50%, she can gain a shield to help her survival.


Faction: Divine

Rarity and Class: Immortal Warrior

Karmel is a Single damage hero during Tower Defense modes. She can deal high damage versus an enemy within her range. Her Blade Storm lets her attack up to 6 enemies as well as stunning them for a short period. Angelic Seal lets her get a 20% chance to deal damage to 6 enemies and slowing them down. Her Winged Assault provides her with a 1% ATK bonus for every enemy killed, up to 20% max.

For versus battles, she deals damage as a Warrior. Her basic attack lets her deal damage to enemies in a row. Blade Storm lets her deal ranged damage and debuffs opponents by reducing their Crit percentage. Winged Assault lets her gain a 25% Crit Chance Bonus, with increasing Crit DMG Bonus as well. Finally, her Angelic Seal lets her survive lethal damage by retaining 1 HP and becoming immune to damage for 1 turn.


Faction: Devil

Rarity and Class: Immortal Mage

Lavigne is a Control hero during Tower Defense modes. Her basic attacks lets her deal damage to a max of 3 enemies and slows them down. Her Starry Nightmare lets her summon an attack to deal damage up to 6 enemies and binds them for 2 seconds. Familial Sanctuary lets her have a 20% chance to attack up to 3 enemies and binds them for 1 second. Finally, Annihilation Instinct gives her a 15% chance to protect nearby heroes which increases their attack range by 15% for 5 seconds.

For versus battles, she deals magic damage as a Mage. Her basic attacks deal damage and lets you summon a tentacle on a blank tile of your side by chance. Starry Nightmare lets her deal 3 attacks on 3 random enemies. 1 Tentacle is summoned on ab lank tile of your side, and if there isn’t any black tile, she gains 5 stacks of 2% ATK Bonus for 2 turns. Familial Sanctuary gives her 20% extra HP, and before each turn starts, she gives all tentacles 3 stacks of 2% ATK Bonus, and she herself gains 3 stacks of 2% DEF Bonus. Finally, Annihilation instinct lets her summon tentacles to attack an enemy to deal ranged damage. She grants herself and her tentacles 5 stacks of 2% ATK bonus for 2 turns.


Faction: Divine

Rarity and Class: Immortal Tank

Neptyr is a Control hero during Tower Defense modes. His basic skill can attack up to 3 enemies and slows them down. His Abyssal Devour skill lets him summon a dragon to devour up to 60 enemies to deal damage as well as slow them down. Current Ward gives him a 20% chance to summon a wave to attack up to 6 enemies to deal damage and slow. Finally, Raging Tide lets him increase his ATK by 20%.

For versus battles, he acts as a Tank. His basic attack lets him deal ranged damage with a 50% chance to drown them, which reduces their ATK for 2 turns. He gets a passive as well to recover HP every turn which helps his tank role. Abyssal Devour lets him deal damage and stuns for 1 turn (2 turns if drowned). Current War increases his ATK and HP, and for each enemy killed, he gets 1 layer of 2% ATK bonus. Finally, Raging Tide gives him a 50% chance to summon a giant wave to deal damage, reduce enemy def, and he can heal himself if an enemy is drowning.


Faction: Devil

Rarity and Class: Immortal Warrior

Sabnack is a Single damage hero during Tower Defense modes. His basic attacks let him deal damage to 6 nearby enemies and inflicts bleed. His Infernal Crush skill deals damage to enemies in an area and stuns them for 3 seconds. Devil’s Will gives him a 20% chance to launch multiple punches which deals damage up to 6 enemies and stuns them. Hand of Bane gives him a 15% chance to deal 200% damage to a max of 4 enemies and inflicts bleed.

For versus battles, he deals damage as a Warrior. His basic attack deals damage with a 55% chance to steal rage. Infernal Crush lets him deal damage to all enemies. It increases his damage by 25%, and ATK, Def, and Speed by 20% each time he uses this skill. Devil’ss Will increases his DEF and ATK, and before each turn starts, he reduces all enemies’ rage. Finally, Hand of Bane gives him a 55% chance to release a giant hand to steal Rage from the attacker and restore his own HP.


Faction: Divine

Rarity and Class: Immortal Ranger

Serenir is an Area damaging hero during Tower Defense modes. Her basic attacks let her deal damage up to 5 enemies. Her Fallen Stars skill deals area damage up to 6 enemies. Lunar Mirror gives her a 20% chance to release the lunar blade which deals high damage up to 6 nearby enemies. Finally, New Moon lets her normal attacks have a 15% chance to deal extra damage to a max of 4 nearby enemies and stuns them for a short period of time.

For versus battles, she deals damage as a Ranger. Her normal attack deals damage to 2 random enemies, and increases her Moonrise which increases her DMG AMP. Fallen Stars lets her attack all enemies 3 times, while her Lunar Mirror lets her gain 50% Crit DMG Bonus and 5 stacks of moonrise. Whenever she takes damage that exceeds a percentage of her max HP, she will use 4 stacks of Moonrise to neutralize the damage. Finally, New Moon lets her deal ranged damage, and it this skill kills an enemy, she gains 5 stacks of Moonrise.


Faction: Divine

Rarity and Class: Immortal Mage

Titansum is a control hero during Tower Defense modes. His basic attacks let him deal damage up to 3 enemies and slows them down. His Arcane Beam skill lets him deal damage up to 6 enemies and slows them as well. Ancient Recharge lets his normal attacks have a 20% chance to make a vortex that can suck in a max of 6 enemies and damage them. Finally, Arcane Surge gives him a 25% chance to release an arcane orb to deal damage to enemies, as well as stun them.

For versus battles, he deals damage as a Mage. His basic attacks let him deal ranged damage to an enemy. Arcane Beam deals damage to enemies in a row 5 times, enemies with rage take extra damage. Ancient Recharge increases his ATK bonus, and increases 25% rage regen for back row heroes. Finally, Arcane Surge gives him a 50% chance to gain rage as well as an ATK bonus for 2 turns. Once he has 100 range total, he uses his Arcane Beam skill.


Faction: Light

Rarity and Class: Immortal Support

Margeria is a Single damage character in Tower Defense modes. Her normal attack deals damage up to 5 nearby enemies. The Cross Punishment lets her deal damage up to 6 enemies as well as stun them. Her Holy Church Swing gives her a 15% chance to deal damage up to 4 enemies as well as stun. Finally, the Sister’s Blessing is a skill that gives her bonus ATK.

For versus battles, she provides Support. Her basic attack deals damage to enemies in a row with a 55% chance to impose 1 stack of 8% DEF decrease on targets for 5 turns. The Cross Punishment lets her deal damage to enemies with 2 attacks, and it inflicts 3 stacks of DEF decrease for 5 turns. Sister’s Blessing grants bonus ATK to all allied heroes, and Holy Light Heroes get additional bonus DEF. Finally, Holy Church Swing gives her a 50% chance to attack the enemy with the highest ATK, dealing damage, stun, and inflicts 2 stacks of DEF decrease for 5 turns.


A Rank Heroes


Faction: Nature

Rarity and Class: Immortal Mage

Alia is an Area damage dealer during Tower Defense modes. Her basic skill lets her attack up to 5 enemies. Her Pollen Storm skill lets her deal damage up to 12 enemies within the range, as well as increasing their DMG taken within the next 3 seconds. Refreshing Aroma gives her normal attacks a 20% chance to release the Force of Nature, which deals damage up to 4 enemies within the range and slows them. Finally, Disorienting Butterfly lets her deal damage up to 6 enemies within her range and doubles damage on slow targets.

For versus battles, she deals magic damage as a Mage. Her basic attacks let her deal damage to 3 random enemies. Pollen Storm attacks 4 random enemies 4 times, and the damage is increased if enemies are asleep. Refreshing Aroma gives her a 15% dodge bonus, it also gives her a Crit Chance bonus that lats 3 turns. Finally, Hypnotic Butterfly gives her a 35% chance to deal ranged damage to 3 random enemies, and puts them to sleep for 2 turns.


Faction: Shadow

Rarity and Class: Immortal Ranger

Bathorian is a Single damage hero during Tower Defense modes. Her basic attacks let her deal damage and inflict bleed. Blood Rush deals damage to a max of 9 enemies and inflicts bleed on them for 10 seconds. Affixed Vengeance gives her normal attacks a 20% chance to deal damage to 4 nearby enemies with bleed. Finally, Strike of Bloodthirst lets her get an 1% ATK bonus for every enemy killed (20% max).

For versus battles, she deals damage as a Ranger. Her basic attacks let her deal damage to the enemy with lowest HP, while inflicting a Blood Curse that deals damage per turn for 2 turns. Blood Rush lets her deal damage to the enemy with the lowest HP, if a target is cursed, she deals extra DEF ignoring damage. Affixed Vengeance gives her a 25% crit chance bonus in battle. The lower the enemy HP, the higher damage she deals. Finally, Strike of the Bloodthirst gives her a 50% chance to deal damage to the enemy with the lowest HP, with a lifesteal effect. This reduces the target’s healing received for 2 turns.


Faction: Shadow

Rarity and Class: Immortal Mage

Enid is an Area damage hero during Tower Defense modes. Her basic attack lets her damage up to 3 enemies. Soul Burst lets her unleash the kindle to deal damage up to 12 enemies and ignites them. Kindle War gives her normal attacks a chance to deal extra damage up to 6 enemies and ignites them. Finally, the Ring of Kindling lets her increase nearby allies’ ATK by 50% for 5 seconds.

For versus battles, she deals magic damage as a Mage. Her basic attack deals damage to the 2 random front row enemies and inflicts burn for 5 turns, each dealing 20% DEF-ignoring damage. Soul Burst lets her deal ranged damage to all enemies, inflicts 1 burn stack for 5 turns, ach dealing 20% DEF-ignoring damage. Kindle War lets her increase her ATK, she can also heal herself per turn. Finally, Spirit Array lets her deal ranged damage to enemies in a row with extra DEF-ignoring damage to enemies that are burned.


Faction: Shadow

Rarity and Class: Immortal Mage

Garrod is an Area damaging hero during Tower Defense modes. His basic skills let him deal damage up to 5 enemies. Celestial meteor lets him deal damage up to 9 enemies. Arcane Amplifier gives him a 15% chance to deal damage to a max of 12 enemies as well as stunning them. Finally, his Celestial Blast lets him add occasional high burning damage to his normal attacks.

For versus battles, he deals magic damage as a Mage. His basic attacks deal ranged damage to an enemy. Celestial Meteor lets him deal ranged damage which reduces their ATK for 2 turns, and it has a chance to reduce their Crit Chance as well. Phase Vortex increases his allies Crit Chance by 15%, then another extra 15% for Moonshadow heroes for 3 turns. Finally, Celestial Blast gives him a 50% chance to deal ranged damage to 2 random enemies and reduces their speed for 2 turns.


Faction: Nature

Rarity and Class: Immortal Tank

Panka is a Single damage hero during Tower Defense modes. His basic skill lets him slash an enemy to deal moderate damage. Furious Strike lets him deal damage up to 6 targets as well as stun. Iron Skull Flag gives him a 15% chance to increase the attack range of nearby towers by 30% for 10 seconds. Finally, his No Retreat skill gives him a 1% ATK Bonus for every enemy killed (max 20%).

For versus battles, his main role is a Tank. His basic skill deal high damage against 1 enemy. Furious Stirke deals damage to enemies in a column with 2 attacks, and he gets a 100% def bonus for 2 turns, and taunts 3 enemies with the highest attack for 1 turn. No Retreat gives him HP bonus in battle, as well as a 12% DEF increase for each allied hero that has fallen. Finally, the Iron Skull Flag gives him a 50% chance to deal ranged damage to an enemy, reducing their ATK by 20% for 2 turns, and restores 8% of his HP.


Faction: Shadow

Rarity and Class: Immortal Support

Regel is an Area damage hero during Tower Defense modes. His basic skill lets him attack up to 3 enemies. His Furious Shock skill lets him deal damage up to 9 enemies and slows them down for 3 seconds. Spirit Ward drags enemies to the side and deals damage up to 8 enemies. And finally, Void Siphon gives him an ATK bonus.

For versus battles, he’s a Support hero. His basic skill attacks an enemy 2 times. Furious Shock attacks enemies in a row 3 times, and has a chance to stun them for 1 turn. This grants him a shield, as well as restores a percentage of his HP immediately. Spirit Ward increases his Max HP, Lifesteal, and ATK. It also grants DMG reduction to allied Moonshadow heroes for 3 turns. Finally, Void Siphon gives him a 50% chance to absorb the enemy’s void energy, deals ranged damage to 3 random enemies and reduced their ATK and DEF for 2 turns.


Faction: Light

Rarity and Class: Immortal Tank

Valkyrie is a Single damage hero during Tower Defense modes. Her basic skill lets her attack one enemy to deal moderate damage. Smite of the Blade deals damage up to 9 enemies and stuns them for 1 second. Ragnarok lets her normal attacks have a 30% chance of dealing 300% damage to the current target. And finally, Heroic Inspiration gives her normal attacks a chance to damage enemies within range and stuns them for 1 second.

For versus battles, her main role is a Tank. Her basic skill deals damage in a column, and has a chance to increase her DEF for 2 turns. Smite of the Blade deals damage to all enemies, grants allied heroes with a shield, and heals them for 2 turns. Ragnarok gives her a DEF bonus, and restores rage when damaged. She also gets immunity to control effects when joining battle. Finally, Heroic Inspiration gives her a 50% chance to heal the hero with the lowest HP, and increases their DMG reduction and Healing received for 2 turns.


Faction: Shadow

Rarity and Class: Immortal Tank

Vladir is a Single damage hero during Tower Defense modes. His basic skill lets him deal damage to 1 enemy. Bloodweeper lets him draw all enemies within range to deal damage up to 6 enemies. Power of Bloodmoon gives him a 35% chance to release Blood thorn when attacking, which deals 100% damage to all enemies in front. Bloody Guard gives him a 2% atk bonus for every enemy killed (20% max.)

For versus battles, his main role is a Tank. His basic skills deal damage to 1 enemy and inflicts Blood Weeping which reduces their healing for 1 turn. His normal attacks against enemies with Blood Weeping deal extra damage to a column of enemies. Bloodweeper deals damage to 1 enemy and converts part of the damage to his own HP. After the first release, he becomes immune to control effects for 3 turns. Power of the Bloodmoon gives him DEF bonus, and lifesteal for all allies for 3 turns. Moonshadow Heroes get more Lifesteal. Finally, Bloody Guard gives him 35 SPD for 3 turns, grants himself and allies 30% damage reduction for 1 turn after casting a rage skill.


Faction: Light

Rarity and Class: Immortal Warrior

Zhanyan is a Single damage hero in Tower Defense modes. His basic skills deals high damage versus single enemies. Path of the Blade – Starfall deals damage up to 12 enemies. Lightening Blade gives him a 15% chance to deal damage up to 4 enemies. And finally, Following Blade gives him a 5% ATK Bonus for every enemy killed (100% max).

For versus battles, his main role is a Warrior. His basic skills deal high damage to a random enemy. Path of the Blade – Starfall lets him deal 5 slashes on all enemies. Lightening Blade increases his Lifesteal, and allows him to deal extra damage to enemies with less than 25% HP. Finally, Following Blade gives him a 50% chance to catch an enemy with the lowest HP and deals high damage to them.


Faction: Nature

Rarity and Class: Immortal Warrior

Zoltan is a Single damage hero during Tower Defense battles. His basic skill deals moderate damage to an enemy. Tundra Dire Wolf lets him damage up to 12 enemies and inflicts vulnerability on them for 5 seconds. Alpha Wolf’s Rage deals very high damage to a target and inflicts bleed for 6 seconds. Finally, his Moonhowl Maiming lets him gain 1% ATK Bonus for every enemy killed (10% max).

For versus battles, his basic skills deal damage to an enemy with a 33% chance of stunning them for 1 turn. Tundra Dire Wolf lets him deal high damage if the target’s HP is higher than 50%, the skill damage increases the more HP the opponent has. Resilience of Wolves lets him gain a 3-turn shield when joining the battle. And finally, Moonhowl Maiming gives him a 25% increased Crit Chance. He also inflicts 75% extra DEF-ignoring damage on enemies that have been stunned.


This concludes our Tier List for Ace Defender: Dragon War. We hope this information has helped you with your team building in the game. Take note that Tier Lists are never final, and they may be subject to change. Some Heroes in the game can get changes in terms of their skills through balance changes as well, and there will be more Heroes available in future updates.

Ace Defender: Dragon War Wiki Guide
Paul, Staff Writer

PaulVhayste started writing free guides and walkthroughs in 2006 for several online gaming sites. He has written hundreds of guides covering games from a wide variety of genres across different platforms. He's an avid JRPG and mobile gaming fan, and regularly plays games on the PC, Steam Deck, PS5, and mobile platforms. He strives to continue making comprehensive and easy-to-follow guides for his readers.

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