Ace Defender: Dragon War


Ace Defender: Dragon War Guide
More Ace Defender: Dragon War

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In Ace Defender: Dragon War, your main gameplay is done through the game’s expedition mode. However, you will also need a place in order to manage other features of the game such as summoning your heroes, and more. In order to check the various facilities that you can use, you’ll be able to go to the Sky City which is one of your game’s main menus.

In this page, we’ll be looking at the Tavern facility including its various features. Progressing in Ace Defender will unlock more facilities as well, so let’s check out their functions. Learning more about them will help you navigate your way through what the game has to offer.

What is the Tavern?

In Ace Defender, you’ll need to recruit heroes often in order to get a chance for acquiring various heroes. This is all done through the Tavern in the Sky City, and here you can get Common, Rare, and Rare+ characters. Unlike other types of games that involves summoning heroes, you can get strong characters in Ace Defender by promoting those that can become Immortal.

The Tavern provides you with a variety of recruitment options, and you can choose to recruit 1 time, or up to 10 times. This will use up Royal Recruitment Tickets, Friendship Points, or Faction Recruitment tickets. Additional rewards are provided to you whenever you recruit 50 times, and you’ll be able to get x50 Hero Shards.

Royal Recruitment

The main area you’ll be doing your recruitment is through the Royal section. Here, you have the option to use Diamonds or Royal Recruitment Tickets in order to recruit 1 time or 10 times. In order to get the best results, you’ll want to choose the 10 times option since this will guarantee you at least one Rare hero.

Use Diamonds or Royal Recruitment tickets to acquire heroes
Use Diamonds or Royal Recruitment tickets to acquire heroes

You’ll also be able to get 1 free recruit here, then you’ll have to wait for the timer to finish in order to claim it. You’ll notice that there’s a chest icon on the lower left side, this is the reward section once you are able to complete 50 recruits.

Wishlist bonus: Tap on the Wishlist icon on the lower-left side of Royal Recruitment and choose up to 10 heroes that you want to add on your wishlist. This will increase their probability rates for recruitment.

Make sure to fill up your wishlist
Make sure to fill up your wishlist

Friendship Recruitment

Once you are able to add friends in Ace Defender, you’ll have the capability of sending and receiving friendship points. Try to add active players in the game, or join an alliance and add the members there on your list. You can recruit using friendship points and the 10 times option has a higher chance of providing you with a rare hero.

However, acquiring friendship points will take some time, so use this section for bonus pulls. Your aim is still to acquire your heroes from the Royal Recruitment. There aren’t any bonus rewards as well for pulling through this section.

Faction Recruitment

Once you have completed 300 total recruitments, you’ll be able to unlock the Faction section. Here, you’ll use Faction Recruitment Tickets in order to pull a character from a faction of your choice. Pulling 10 times will also guarantee a rare hero, so checking this section will definitely help with acquiring heroes that you have in order to promote them.

Later on, you’ll reach a point where increasing your levels can only provide you with so much stats. Make sure to upgrade your equipment as well, then promote your characters in order to get increased stats and level caps.

This concludes our page on the Tavern in Ace Defender: Dragon War. We hope this information has helped you out, we’ll have more pages regarding the game so please check our guide menu. If you have any other questions, feel free to check our Answers Page. You can also leave us a comment down below, we’d love to hear from you!

Anj, Staff Writer

AnjAnj, also known as 'Aryafortis' enjoys games from Nintendo consoles, as well as other genres that you can find on Steam, and on Mobile.

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