Forsaken World: Gods and Demons

Forsaken World: Gods and Demons Beginner’s Guide (part 1)

Forsaken World: Gods and Demons Guide
More Forsaken World: Gods and Demons

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Different MMORPGs have appeared in mobile games, and some have features that are getting better and better. In terms of visuals as well, some of these games look like PC versions thanks to the development of mobile technology. One of these games is Forsaken World: Gods and Demons, and it’s a huge game that provides you with different features in the game for you to enjoy.

Forsaken World: Gods and Demons offers a vast world for exploration, different kinds of character classes, skills, quests, and a lot more. They have a very nice character creation system that lets you customize your looks to suit your style. You get to play the game at your pace as well and do what you want.

Some of us may be busy as well but still would like to enjoy a game, therefore there is an auto mode that lets you play through the game’s different quests and battles so you can watch and enjoy the visuals. Later on in the game however, your auto battles will only take you up to a certain point, so you’ll need to learn the game’s controls as well. The interface that you’ll have to check may be daunting due to the different icons that you’ll see, but you’ll eventually get the hang of it later on.

You’ll want to know about the different classes in the game, as well as strengthening them and leveling them up. We shall be covering this guide in two parts. In order to get started, we’ll be providing you with this beginner’s guide so you’ll be able to check the features in the game that you can go through.

1. Picking your first Character Class

Like most RPGs, Forsaken World: Gods and Demons provides you with different character classes that you can try in order for you to play through the game with specific roles. Not only do you get to pick a class, but you’ll be able to provide them with specializations to make them unique. When creating your character for the first time, you’ll be provided with 7 different classes available.

Each class has a specific type of gameplay that can suit your playing style such as being a frontline tank, or perhaps a DPS, Healer, and more. Picking your first class is important since you’ll be focusing a lot of your time with your character, and your role may be needed in different parts of the game. Knowing more about each class can help you with your choice, so let’s discuss each one available:

Warrior: One of the classic choice of classes in any MMORPG. Warriors excel in melee combat, offering damage as well as tanking capabilities. Warriors can progress to a Paladin which focuses more on the tanking side, or a Hexblade which is more offensive. Both of these specializations can support their team by getting the attention and bulk of damage from enemies.


Mage: Dealing damage from afar with spells, as well as providing different character control capabilities, they provide with different effects in order to take out enemies with powerful spells. They can progress to an Elementalist which focuses on their power making them stronger in damaging, or to an Arcanist which helps them better with their crowd control skills. These specializations help wipe enemies away or change the tide of battle with the actions that they take.


Rogue: If you prefer being stealthy, and delivery quick attacks, then the Rogue class is for you. They can move fast and provide good damage, but you’ll have to take notice of your health as well. Rogues can progress into an Assassin which takes their mobility further as well as their damage, or they can progress to Shadow which helps with their fighting and survivability.

Forsaken World: Gods and Demons Beginner’s Guide (part 1)

Priest: The main support class in the game, Priests are the main healers that help their team keep up. They provide buffs as well that can provide bonuses to team members, and they have some skills at least to help manage things on their own. They can progress to a Celestial which focuses more on their supportive capabilities, or to an Oracle which can provide more damage while still having some support.


Vampire: A unique class that lets you experience both close- and long-range attacks. They can provide melee damage as well as spells in order to attack enemies from afar. If you’re into hybrid game styles, then this class is for you. Vampires can progress to a Flamebringer, which enhances their close-range combat and gain protection with fire related skills, or they can turn to a Shadowcrafter which focuses on skills that can call bats into battle in order to provide better survival.


Gunner: One of the long ranged DPS classes in the game, Gunners can provide damage assistance from afar with their guns and technology. They can provide high DPS in exchange for their low health, similar to what they call a Glass Cannon. They can progress to a Gunslinger which focuses more on their damage output, or to an Artificer which will focus on their technology instead in order to provide damage.


Ranger: The other main long ranged DPS class in the game, Rangers provide good DPS through shooting their arrows from afar, and they can do so in an agile manner. They have different movement capabilities that help them align themselves properly so they can strike. Rangers can then progress to a Sharpshooter which increases their damage as well as crowd control capabilities, or they can become a Jungle Hunter which lets them summon creatures to assist them in battle.


2. Play through the game’s quests

Like with most MMORPGs, Quests are one of the main features of the game. This lets you progress through the game’s story, and you can then unlock different features based on your progression. Once you start off in the game, you’ll be provided with a quest log on the left side that you can press in order to begin. Thankfully this will let your character move on its own, so you’ll just need to continue doing this until quests are completed with the activities that you need to do.

Check the Main Quests and press to start auto paths
Check the Main Quests and press to start auto paths

The game lets you attack and use skills on your own, or you can let your character do it through the game’s auto battle mode. If you’re just beginning the game, you’ll be able to use this feature for the first main quests. But later on, you’ll have to do it manually versus bosses that may be more difficult. Completing quests is important for you to learn the basics of the game, and they provide you with rewards as well as EXP which can help you level up.

Not only do main quests appear in the game, but you’ll also have a lot side quests that you can complete to gain more bonus EXP. This is one of the main ways for character progression aside for griding exp from defeating enemies. Focus your main quests until you’re able to reach a point where you may have challenges progressing further.

3. Study and improve your Skills

Each character class in the game have various skills that you can use. There are common skills, special skills, as well as passive skills that can be unlocked once you reach specific levels for your characters. One unique feature for this game for skill improvement however, is for you to complete challenges in order to unlock skills. This can apply to different skills as well, and some challenges can be tricky so you can keep on trying.

Skills can unlock through levels as well as challenges
Skills can unlock through levels as well as challenges

Checking each skill and reading their descriptions is important for you to know more about your character class. If you kept on using auto battles then the A.I. is the one choosing which skills are performed. Familiarizing yourself with your character skill’s name, icon, and effects will help you during manual combat.

There are also some skills in the game which are provided through the Guild. The bonuses you can get from guild skills affect your stats, so you’ll need to participate in guild activities in order to get guild contribution. This is one of the best reasons why you should join a guild as well!

4. Check and upgrade Gears and Treasures

Aside from a character’s level, stats, and skills, it’s very important for you to increase your power through your equipment. In Forsaken World: Gods and Demons, you get access to Gear as well as Treasures which help increase your stats. Progressing through the game will mean that you’ll face stronger enemies later on, and you’ll need better stats to overcome these challenges.

Enhance Gear every now and then to increase your power
Enhance Gear every now and then to increase your power

Newly acquired gear for your character can be equipped once it appears on your screen. You can also check each gear that you have by checking your inventory, here you’ll see each piece as well as different gems you can acquire in order for you to socket them. Gear enhancement will be a recurring process in the game as you obtain better gear and materials.

Treasures are also obtainable in the game that lets you get more stats for your character. Some treasures in the game can be obtained later, but you’ll get access to beginner treasures. You can level up treasures in order to get better stats. Make sure to check your equipment and treasures every so often as you level up since difficulties can rise, making it harder for you to progress.

In the next part of our beginner’s guide, we’ll discuss the benefits of joining a guild, as well as other features of the game that you can use as well as do in order to provide you with a better character overall.

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Anj, Staff Writer

AnjAnj, also known as 'Aryafortis' enjoys games from Nintendo consoles, as well as other genres that you can find on Steam, and on Mobile.

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