Basic Pack - Level 5
Polyescape 2 - Escape Game Guide
This is the walkthrough for level 5 of Polyescape 2. This page will guide you through the actions needed to escape this level.
Level 5 starts in a garden with arches.
Look to the left to see a pattern on the wall. This is a clue.
Next go through the left archway and look to the left to collect a Jar.
Carry on through the next arch to find a building.
Look to the right to see a mural on the wall. This shows flower patterns in ascending order.
Look to the right again to see a blue birdbath. Tap to view this and collect the Blue Slider.
Now move through the archway on the left to take you back to the starting area and look to the left.
Tap on the small blue column to the right of the stone wall to see a set of 6 flower shapes.
Tapping each will light up a number of the shapes. Tap them in the right order to continue.
Hint: From the clue above you must find and tap them in the order that lights up 1 then 2 then 3 then 4 then 5 and finally 6.Show
Once done the wall will drop and you can move through into a secret room.
Collect the bucket from the left.
The bucket has a hole.
In your inventory dismantle the jar to obtain a cork. Then combine this with the bucket to fix the hole.
Back up and move back through the arches to the other end of the garden again. Look to the left to see a well.
Move to this and use the bucket to attach to the rope.
Now tap the handle and spin it to lower it and then raise it. Collect a bucket of water.
Back down from the well and rotate the view to see the arches. Go through the left arch to the center of the hedges, look to the left and and tap on the small hole in the ground to the right.
Use the bucket of water on this hole to fill it. and then collect a Wooden slider.
Back up and move to the left back towards the building at the far end of the garden (next to the well).
On either side of the door are sets of sliders with arrows. On the left you will see a blue line and yellow line on either side.
Hint: From the pattern seen above find the arrows between the blue and yellow lines and the position of the down (odd one out) arrows.Show
On the right there are green and red lines.
Hint: Do the same as above but note that the lines and arrows are reversed so you will need to positions then upside down.Show
Solution: Show
Once the sliders are in the correct positions the door will open. Go inside
Go up the ladder to the top.
On the left tap on the brown box on the table.
Use the wooden slider on this and slide it to open the box.
Collect a second blue slider.
There are 2 more clues up here. First tap the picture on the right wall to view it. This is a diagram. The hexagonal shape on the left is off. The one on the right is on. The circle tells us to turn it on and the triangle mean turn off.
Next tap the window to look out over the garden.
From up here we can see the shapes of the hedges.
Go back down the ladder to the bottom floor. and look at the panel on the right wall. There is a picture of the building and below we need a 3 digit code.
Hint: The code can be seen from the window but oriented as though you were looking at the house.Show
Code: 583Show
Collect a black Hexagonal Light with the number 3.
Exit the building and move back through the arches to the other and and into the secret room.
Tap to view the table. then add the hexagonal light to the number 3 space.
We now need to follow some instructions to tap the yellow buttons in the right order.
Hint: The instructions on the table tell us to turn off 1 then turn off 3, then turn on 4 then turn off 2.Show
Solution: To start you need to turn on 1, 2 and 3. Then follow the sequence above (turn off 1 then turn off 3, then turn on 4 then turn off 2)Show
Collect the third Blue slider.
Back up and look to the right to view the large grey door.
View this and place the 3 blue sliders on it.
Move them to the marked positions to open the door. You can now exit the level.
You can now move on to Level 6. If you have any questions for this level of the game please head to the Answers Page to ask there.
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