Basic Pack - Level 3
Polyescape 2 - Escape Game Guide
This is the walkthrough for level 3 of Polyescape 2. This page will guide you through the actions needed to escape this level.
This level takes place in a cat themed cafe.
Move forward and look to the right to see a raised are and below it a stand.
Tap to view the stand. It has a 5 letter code input.
Notice the white markings.
Back up and look to the left at the Midnight cats sign. On either side are white switches. Tap each of these and move them to match the positions of the white markings above.
Once done only 5 letters will be lit up.
Return to the stand and enter the 5 letters
Stairs will appear for you to reach the raised area.
Go up the stairs and view the table. Notice the details about the mug and a paper with some cat markings.
There is also a cat head marker with the number 6
Go back down stairs and look opposite to see some tables.
View the far table and collect the black mug. Notice the cat head markers on all the tables.
Also take note of the picture of lines on the wall to the right.
Move to the left, back to where you started and look to the left to see more tables with markers.
Then tap on the brown unit to the left with 2 doors. On top is a puzzle.
Hint: Match the markings from the cat markers with the numbers on the left.Show
Solution: Show
The cupboard opens and you can collect a keycard.
Look to the left to see a coffee counter.
Tap to the right to move down the side to find a door.
Use the keycard to open the door. And enter the Kitchen.
On the right are some cupboards. Open then to collect a flask.
Next look on the left wall to see a diagram.
Exit the kitchen, collect the keycard again and return to the raised area.
On the left wall is a panel with a key card slot.
Use the key card to activate it. You will now see 9 circles that you can connect with lines.
Hint: the diagram above has directions.Show
This opens a side panel and you can collect some chopsticks.
Take the keycard back
Go back down to the starting position and look to the left of the double doors for this panel.
Tap on the right section and use the chopsticks in the hole to press a button.
The panel opens and you have a set of sliding switches.
Use a clue above to help with this.
Hint: The wall picture to the left of the Midnight cats signShow
Solution: Show
Collect a key.
Return to the Kitchen, you will need the keycard to open the door.
In the kitchen tap on the wall cupboards with a chain.
Use the key to open the padlock and then collect a switch lever.
Exit the kitchen and look to the right of the double doors to see the switch.
Use the switch lever here and open the double doors.
Enter the last room and notice the 3 digit code entry on the right.
To solve this open your inventory and combine the flash of hot water with the magic mug.
View the mug to see a clue on the side. There are 4 sets of dots.
Exit the room and check for the solution on the coffee counter.
Hint: The menu above has prices and each item has dotsShow
Solution: 1 dot = 219, 3 dots = 199, Total = 1+3+3+3 = 219+199+199+199Show
Code: 816Show
Enter this code to complete the level.
You can now move on to Level 4. If you have any questions for this level of the game please head to the Answers Page to ask there.
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