Mythic Heroes: Idle RPG

Mythic Heroes: Idle RPG Tier List Best Tank Heroes

By Paul | Apr 8th 2022

In our Mythic Heroes: Idle RPG Tier List page, we will cover which Tank heroes are worth considering building and investing on to help you clear the game's content.

Mythic Heroes: Idle RPG Tier List Best Tank Heroes
Mythic Heroes: Idle RPG Tier List Best Tank Heroes


Please be reminded that Tier Lists are not “definite” measures of the character’s strength and potential. There are a lot of factors to be considered like the characters’ availability, their synergy with your team, their utility, equipment, etc. As such, please use our tier lists as what they’re meant to be - a guide. Use tier lists to help you decide whether you’ll want to invest resources and time to build a character. At the end of the day, it’s you who will decide which ones you’ll use based on preference and performance .


Tier List Reminders

As far as our tier list goes, we will only mention the SSR heroes since they’re more powerful than the SR heroes by default. You can still use SR heroes (or low tier SSR heroes) early on as placeholders, until you’re able to recruit better SSR units. Some SR units aren’t even worth investing into and much better used as fodders for enhancing SSR units. However, don’t let that stop you from using certain SR heroes that tickle your fancy.

We will also only provide extensive details about heroes in our S-tier and A-tier. As we always remind players, tier lists are not definite rules dictating how overpowered or useless a hero can be. Remember, this is your game, your experience! So if you still want to use and invest in a hero that was placed low in our list, then by all means, do it! It all boils down to player preference and of course the availability of heroes. Use this tier list as a guide, as it is intended to be.

You should also consider Team Synergy - this is how compatible heroes are to each other in terms of skill effects and other buffs/debuffs they can bring in the field. This is not that important in the early game but as you face more difficult challenges or high-tier PvP battles, team synergy is much more important than having a team of top-tier heroes with no synergy at all.

Tank Tier List Overview

S - Athena, Typhon

A - Hades, Poseidon, Thor, Gaia

B - Anubis, Hercules

About Skills

One major factor that determines a hero’s combat effectiveness is through his/her skill set. Skills make up the hero’s identity and playstyle - something that players can’t change unlike equipment sets or divinity skills. Here are some important reminders about individual hero skills:

* A hero’s rarity will determine how many skills they’ll have access to. R heroes have 2 skills, SR heroes have 3, while SSR and UR heroes have four skills.

* Skills will be leveled up automatically once the hero reaches the required character level.

* A hero’s rarity will also determine how many levels a skill can be upgraded to. For example, R heroes can’t upgrade their skills, SR hero skills can be leveled up to LV3, and finally SSR heroes can level up their skills up to 4 levels.



Athena is the best tank hero of the game, thanks to the protection she can provide to her allies while also replenishing her and her allies’ HP. Her ultimate, Aegis of Light, generates shields for all allies that scales off Athena’s attacks for several seconds. At skill LV2, allies will replenish HP every second while the shield is up. Athena’s passive, Holy Protection, blocks all damage dealt to her, reducing it to 1. During this time, her energy restoration per hit is increased, which will speed up building her energy for her ultimate skill.

Athena has two offensive skills. Victorious Pierce damages all enemies in front of her. At skill LV2, Athena replenishes her HP for every target hit. Light of Athens targets the enemy with the highest ATK and stuns them as well.

Giving artifacts and runes that further enhances Athena’s defensive capabilities is highly recommended. Also, while she can protect the team while providing some sort of healing, you still need to complement her with another dedicated healer. With Athena and top-tier healer on your team, your party will reach nigh immortality.

Recommended Artifacts:

* Aegis Shield

* Excalibur

* Scarab Badge

Recommended Runes:

* Earth

* Water

* Light

Synergizes with the following heroes:

* Idun

* Izanami

* Iset

* Nuwa

* Nagakanya


Typhon may be classified as a tank but his skill set is far from protecting allies, unlike Athena. However, this doesn’t make him a bad tank either since he makes up for it with unique utilities. He can only use a one-time shield per battle that damages enemies upon destruction, buff allies in exchange for losing some of their HP every second, etc. Snake Flurry is Typhon’s only offensive skill. His snakes attack 3 random targets and will inflict different debuffs depending on their color.

Typhon’s ultimate, Chaos Storm, increases the ATK and ATK Speed of all allies by a large amount for a few seconds. The only downside is that a portion of all allies’ HP will slowly chip away per second as True Damage. This can be easily mitigated by having dedicated healers to replenish the party’s lost HP while enjoying the massive buffs applied by this skill.

This UR tank’s only shield skill is a passive that activates only at the beginning of the battle. The Titan Shield’s damage absorption scales off Typhon's max HP and can even last for the entire battle. If ever the shield gets destroyed, each enemy will suffer True Damage based on their max health.

Finally, Typhon has another interesting passive that spawns a colored snake in place of a fallen ally. The snake will inherit all of Typhon’s attributes but only a large portion of his HP. Increasing the level of this skill enables the summoned snakes to add stacks to the Snake Flurry debuff and replenish its own HP.

Recommended Artifacts:

* Aegis Shield

* Thor’s Hammer

* Excalibur

Recommended Runes:

* Earth

* Light

* Dark

Synergizes with the following heroes:

* Idun

* Izanami

* Iset

* Nuwa

* Nagakanya


Hades is a reliable tank that can deal decent damage and damage reduction. He’s somewhat a selfish unit since he lacks buffs or effects where the rest of the party will benefit from. However, he can still perform his tasks really well, thanks to his ultimate ability that can assassinate enemies with critically low HP. Like other tanks, Hades will need to rely on dedicated healers to keep his HP up since he doesn’t have other skills that can sustain himself reliably.

His ultimate, Death Scythe, marks and damages the enemy with the lowest health every second. If the marked target’s HP drops below a certain amount, the target will be instantly killed. Hades has two defensive skills; one is a shield applied to himself that can deal damage upon breaking, and summoning a Hellhound that absorbs damage on his behalf. Hades’ Life Tap passive damages all enemies based on their max health, in regular intervals. At skill LV3, Hades can even recover HP equal to half of the enemies’ lost HP due to this skill.

Recommended Artifacts:

* Aegis Shield

* Thor’s Hammer

* Excalibur

Recommended Runes:

* Earth

* Light

* Dark

Synergizes with the following heroes:

* Idun

* Izanami

* Nuwa

* Nagakanya


Poseidon lacks party-wide buffs or protection but makes up for it by being a frontline defender that can damage and disrupt enemies using knockbacks, stuns, or removing energy restoration. That said, he can still hold off the frontlines effectively while dealing considerable damage but he’ll still need a dedicated healer to keep him alive.

His ultimate and skills prioritize targets where most enemies are congregated or tightly packed together. His ultimate is a whirlpool that pulls enemies to the center, damaging them every second before getting damaged again and knocking them all in the air. His Undercurrent skill is a delayed blast that also knocks enemies up in the air and stuns them.

Poseidon’s only defensive skill is his Tidal Wall passive which automatically reduces incoming damage that exceeds a small portion of his health. His other passive enables his auto-attacks to damage his target and its nearby allies while also preventing them from restoring their energy from attacks.

Recommended Artifacts:

* Aegis Shield

* Thor’s Hammer

* Scarab Badge

Recommended Runes:

* Earth

* Light

* Water

Synergizes with the following heroes:

* Idun

* Zeus

* Lucifer

* Athena

* Nagakanya

* Nuwa


Thor is a solid hybrid of fighter and tank, with a permanent shield that can counterattack and an ultimate that considerably increases his key stats. His other active skills can also stun enemies and allow him to deal damage while reducing incoming damage dealt to him. Like other tank heroes, you’ll need a reliable healer to keep him alive.

Thor’s ultimate buffs his attack, defense, and HP by a significant amount. His auto attacks can also deal AoE damage while reducing the main target’s attack speed. Increasing this skill’s level will also allow Thor to replenish a good chunk of his HP upon activation. Thor has an amazing defensive passive called the Static Shield. This gives him a permanent shield that reduces incoming damage. Whenever he’s attacked, the shield has a chance to trigger an automatic counterattack that damages the attacker and reduces its attack speed.

Aside from his great ultimate and passive skills, he has access to two active skills; Nordic Squall enables Thor to damage enemies over time while also reducing any incoming damage dealt to him by a significant amount while Thunder Hammer targets the enemy with the highest attack, dealing damage and stunning them.

Recommended Artifacts:

* Thor’s Hammer

* Aegis Shield

* Excalibur

Recommended Runes:

* Earth

* Light

* Thunder

Synergizes with the following heroes:

* Idun

* Zeus

* Lucifer

* Athena

* Izanami

* Ganjiang & Moye


Gaia can be incredibly tanky, thanks to her passive that increases her max HP up to 6 times after losing HP. Her passive shield does not prevent or block damage completely but does increase her defense significantly while giving her an automatica protection against control effects.

Her ultimate hits all enemies multiple times while also reducing their attack speed while her only active skill damages enemies and knocks them up in the air. If upgraded, this attack gains damage bonus for every stack of Earthly Veil and even stuns enemies upon their landing.

Gaia has a passive Stone Shield that significantly boosts her Defense. If ever she gets hit by a control skill, the shield is sacrificed to remove the control effect. This shield regenerates after a few seconds. When upgraded, Gaia can also replenish her HP over time upon removing a control effect.

Another useful passive is her Earthly Vein which allows her to get an Earthly Vein stack for every portion of her HP lost. This effect boosts her max HP and can be stacked up to six times. This is incredibly powerful especially if she’s backed up by a healer that can bring up her HP to full.

Recommended Artifacts:

* Aegis Shield

* Scarab Badge

* Excalibur

Recommended Runes:

* Earth

* Light

* Dark

Synergizes with the following heroes:

* Idun

* Izanami

* Iset

* Nuwa

* Nagakanya

That concludes our Mythic Heroes’ Best Fighters Tier List. For more Mythic Heroes content, please check our online guide for the game.

Mythic Heroes: Idle RPG Wiki Guide
Paul, Staff Writer

PaulVhayste started writing free guides and walkthroughs in 2006 for several online gaming sites. He has written hundreds of guides covering games from a wide variety of genres across different platforms. He's an avid JRPG and mobile gaming fan, and regularly plays games on the PC, Steam Deck, PS5, and mobile platforms. He strives to continue making comprehensive and easy-to-follow guides for his readers.

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