
5. Never Ignore Attacks on your Planets

5. Never Ignore Attacks on your Planets
PlunderNauts Guide


As you play through the game you will basically be fighting your way through the galaxy, and with each battle you win that is a planet you now control. Controlling that planet means you have planted your flag on it, and that means that it is sending you money regularly..

So what happens if - no, make that WHEN - an enemy comes in behind you and takes over one of your planets? Why, you lose that source of income, that is what!

5. Never Ignore Attacks on your Planets

That is not good - in fact when you get notice that a planet has been captured away from you, the smart move is to double back, deal with the invader and take back your planet!

Once you get used to the wealth flow that your planets generate this will become second nature to you.


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