Lost Ruins Revenge on Atlantis

Chapter 8

Lost Ruins Revenge on Atlantis Guide
More Lost Ruins Revenge on Atlantis

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This is our full walkthrough for chapter 8 of Lost Ruins Revenge on Atlantis. A new Adventure Escape mystery game from Haiku.

In Chapter 7 you collected the pieces of the trident but Professor Burns has taken the last piece from you. You need to recover this and then stop the destruction of Atlantis.

Chapter 8

First collect the rake on the right.

Then also pick a carrot from the vegetable bed.

Use the rake on the tree on the right of the river to knock down and collect a triangle.

Take note of the gold and green letters. And the Status of Demeter.

Now tap the steps on the far right to head down to the next area.

Chapter 8

Star: in the bush to the left of the central structure.

Under the tree on the left is a rabbit. Use the carrot on it to lure it out. you can then collect a circle from the tree.

Use the rake on the tiled floor to move the pink petals and reveal a clue, 4 Greek letters.

Just to the left is a loose tile that you can collect, this is the square.

Next, take a look at the 3 statues on the right. You can tap them for details on each.

Aphrodite is the goddess of love. Apollo is the god of the sun, music, healing, prophecy, and intellectual pursuits. Dionysus is the god of wine.

Go back up the steps to the first area and tap on the small column by the tree on the right to see a puzzle.

Chapter 8

You need to set 4 shapes.

Under each are arrows pointing to the words around the sides.

Solution: under the first is an arrow pointing left. Look at the the left word, you will need to tilt your device to see this.. look from below - Aphrodite. Find a symbol that represents Aphrodite. It is an apple. Then do thie same for the others.



Apple, Lyre, Flower, Grapes.

Chapter 8

Collect a key.

Use the key to open the fancy garden shed building on the right.

Collect some clippers and a rope.

Now head back down to the right.

Add the 3 shapes to the pedestal on the left, this lights a fire and the doors open.

Chapter 8

Next use the clippers to trim the bushes on the left tree and the rock below it. This will reveal more Greek letters.

We can now use the sets of letters to find a solution for the statue inside the structure.

Chapter 8

At the top area is a large grid of letters, then there are 4 sets of letters in the same colors as the 4 buttons below the statue.



for each set of colored letters find their positions on the large letter grid and trace out the lines they form. This will give you a new letter shape for that color.

E.g. Dark blue (on the tiles floor) letter form a Z shape in the letter grid.



Z P ? ?

Chapter 8

You then get the Bow and Arrows.

Go back up to the top area. Use the rope on the tree on the right. Then use the bow and arrows on the rope to fire it across the river. You can then cross over.

Chapter 8

You then start a water currents puzzle.

Chapter 8

Tap to knock down the statues to help direct the water flow. The current will stop if there is nowhere for it to go or there are two possible paths to follow. It should not overlap itself. You need to reach the tree in the bottom right.



Chapter 8

You then recover the trident. And head to the temple to stop the Professor.

Chapter 8

Collect the glass vase from the top left of the steps. Use this on the flooded floor to collect a vase of water.

Then collect the ring from the floor on the right.

On the left wall is a ring hanging and and then another one can be found by tapping to break the cracked wall just to the right of this.

Finally tap the panel on the base of the large statue to open it and collect a fourth ring.

Chapter 8

View the panel of 4 colors on the left wall. Then add the vase of water to this to get a clue.

Chapter 8

Now view the panel in the center with 4 colors.

Use the clue above to set the correct combination.



Chapter 8

This opens a fountain. You need to switch it on.

Chapter 8

Add the 4 rings to the gold panel on the left of the room to open it. There is a grid of symbols.

Chapter 8

This is a clue for the fountain puzzle.

Hint: the fountain has 5 sets of symbols, each has one that needs to be changed and set correctly.

Solution. Look on the grid to find the same sets of symbols and discover the missing one. Thes may be arrange in lines horizontally, vertically or diagonally.



Chapter 8

Add the trident parts to the pool of healing water to fix it.

Now use the trident to collect two tiles. There is one on the lower hand of the statue, and another high on the left wall, on the right of the climbing plants.

Chapter 8

Now tap on the right wall to see the puzzle.

Chapter 8

Add the 2 tiles to begin. Match the tiles to the correct slot by color, shape and symbol.



Chapter 8

You head through, well Xochi does, and this starts the final mini game to defeat Possessed Professor Burns.

Hint: Burns will attack with shapes. Quickly select the fountain with a 3D rotated view of the same shape. This will counter the attack and weaken him. If you make a mistake it will weaken you. The symbols are random so there is no set solution. You can of course retry if you fail.

Chapter 8

Once compete you will save the Professor and also Atlantis.

Chapter 8
Chapter 8

That is the end of the game. We hope this guide helped. If you have any further questions please go to the Answers Page to ask there.

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