Escape from the Shadows

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

Escape from the Shadows Guide

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Escape from the Shadows is another top tier adventure escape game from Dark Dome, they are the guys behind Haunted Laia, Another Shadow, The Girl in the Window and more. Our Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough will take you through the game from start to finish and help you out with everything that you need to know to finish all of the puzzles, find all of the items, get all of the collectibles and complete this game. Released on August 21st 2023, we've been busy working through the game to bring you the best Escape from the Shadows walkthrough possible.

We've already started and you can follow our guide below to take you some way into the game... Up to the part where you get the flour... So if you are playing the game and haven't reached that part yet and need help... Dive in below!

If you are already passed there, then please bookmark this page and come back tomorrow when we have more content.

If you are interested in playing this great new game from Dark Dome, you can download it over on Google Play.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

First of all, we should note that the keys and codes for each game are randomized, so they could be different than the solutions found in our walkthrough.

We'll do our best to make this guide as complete as possible, but if you have any trouble, fee free to drop us a note in the comments below and we or other players can try to help.

Getting Started

  • Interact with objects by tapping them
  • Use the arrows to move inside the room
  • Select an item from the inventory and then tap the place where you want to use it
  • Some inventory items can be combined

Bastian's Childhood House

We start the game with two clues.

  • Bastian was cursed as a child in a cabin in the woods
  • He is now in a place in the afterlife called 'Penumbra'

We have to find Bastian and get him to return before he becomes a shadow forever.

We first go to Bastians childhood house to try to find some clues.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

There are many rooms in the house and lots of things to find and puzzles to solve.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

Let's start by tapping the three photos on the table. Tap each one to find a rusty key located behind one of them. Tap the key to take it and put it in your inventory.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

Tap the staircase and then tap to the right you should see some shelves, in the middle of the shelves there is a yellow box, tap it.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

Then tap it again to remove the lid and then tap the item inside to take the mobile device charger.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

In the same location, tap the shelf attached to the wall, it should zoom in and you can tap on the Scotch tape to take it and put it in your inventory.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

Now tap the table that is under the shelf there are various items on the table.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

But the only thing you can interactive with right now is the yellow folder, tap it, tap it again to open it up. There is piece of paper with a pattern code on it. Tap that to take the paper with the code.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

To the right of this room there is a red door, you should already have the key for it, but the key cannot be used until we get rid of the rust on it.

Now head back to the room where you first entered the house. Then tap the back wall where you see a blue piece of furniture and a book case.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

This will take you to a room with a cabinet, blue desk, shelving cupboard and drawing stand.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

Tap the blue desk, there is a pad on the top of the desk with no power. From your inventory, seelct the mobile device charger and then click the power socket in the wall belwo the blue desk. This will turn on the pad on the desk and you have to complete your first mini game.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

Pad Puzzle Mini Game

To complete the mini game, use the paper that you picked up earlier from the desk in the other room. That will provide you with the instructions that you need to complete this first puzzle.

There are four instructions on the piece of paper as follows:

  • down, down, down, right, right
  • right, right, right, down, down
  • down, down, right, right, right
  • right, right, down, down, down

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

You just need to use the directional arrows on the pad to complete each one of the four instructions above.

Each one that you complete will give you another pattern clue that we will use on another puzzle.

If you make a mistake, use the reset button above the directional arrows.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

When complete you will have four clues that appear on the pad above the maze.

Open the Purple Box by the Front Door

You now have the symbols that you need to open the purple box near the front door. So go back to the door that you entered the house with and select the purple box near the door.

You can see there are four symbols that you need to input to unlock the box, so use the symbols you got from completing the pad puzzle previously. Change the symbols by just tapping each symbol and they will rotate round.

Some are very similar, also watch out in case you have different codes to us. Just use whatever codes you found from the pad puzzle in your version of the game here.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

In the box you'll find a blue key and a latex glove, tap each of them to put them in your inventory.

Opening the Door with the Blue Key

Now we have the blue key we can go upstairs and use it on the door directly at the top of the stairs. Simply tap the key in your inventory, then tap the door. It will unlock. Tap the door again to open it, and again to go inside.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

You are now in a new room with various things to do.

In the Room with the Computer

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

Collectible: In this room with the computer we can get our first collectible! Tap the purple curtain and behind it you will find a black cat. You now have found the first of 10 black cat collectibles in Escape from the Shadows.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough
Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

If you tap the computer in the room, you can see that currently you can't do anything with it. You'll need to get an item.

In the shelf there is something that looks like a safe, again, we need to work out how to open that.

If you tap the cupboard the doors will open.

Note that the colors of the items hanging in the cupboard and the curtain are the same color as the buttons on the same.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

Also, each of those items have a number of knots tied into them.

So this is what we will use to open the safe of the shelf.

Counting the knots we have:

Red: 1

Blue: 3

Purple: 5

Green: 4

When you've done that the vault will open and you can take the external hard drive.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

Tap the computer and select the external hard drive from your inventory, tap the computer again at it will connect the device to the computer.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

This will bring up four files which contain images of tattoos, pay special attention to each of the red tattoos as they are needed for another puzzle.

Enter those numbers into the vault by tapping the colored buttons.

Leave the room and tap the red box at the top of the stairs that is on top of the small yellow bookcase.

Red Box Puzzle

You now have the symbols you need to open the red box that is at the top of the stairs.

Tap the red box, then tap each of the symbols so that they match the symbols that you just found from the red tatoo images on the computer.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

Once you have unlocked the box, tap the bottle of acid, which can be used to remove rust.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

How to remove the rust from the key

This will be the first time using a few items togetherin our Escape from the Shadows walkthrough, so let's take you through exactly what you need to do to remove the rust from the key.

Tap the bowl that is outside the door at the top of the stairs, now tap the acid bottle that is in your inventory and tap the bowl, it should empty out the acid into the bowl.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

Next tap the rusty key and then tap the bowl filled with acid.

Finally, tap the latex glove from your inventory anf then tap the key that is in the acid to take it from the bowl.

You now have the white key.

Use the White Key to Open the Red Door

Now head to the right to see the red door, select the white key from your inventory and then tap the red door to open it. This will open up a new part of the house for you to explore.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

To the left of the room tap on the drawers and you can find a piece of paper with a picture code in the bottom drawer, take it as we'll need that code later.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough
Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

Witches Book

Also in this room there is a book o the table, tap it to interact with it and get some information which may be useful later on.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

According to the book, Witches are afraid of Open Scissors and Upside Down Brooms.

Also according to the book, witches can disguise themselves as other people by trapping the real bodies of their victims in other dimensions.

This seems to imply that we need to find the with that has trapped Bastian in the other dimension and we'll need to find the items mentioned in the book too.

Head to the right of this room and enter another section. Tap the cupboard that is on the floor to open it and take the book that is there.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

If you look through the book you will see that there are several images in it, they look to be hints for a puzzle in the game.

Using the Book and the Calender

Figuring out what to do next is a bit complicated. But you need to head towards the calendar that is located above the bowl that you cleaned the rusty key.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

Tap the calendar, then using the book that you picked up as your guide find the numbers in the calendar that correspond to the numerical clues in the book.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

So in this case, we have 10, 4, 23 and 12 (signs of the zodiac). In your game it may be different, but hopefully the method will be the same.

Now with these numbers, go to the corresponding calendar numbers and remember the symbols on the calendar that appear in each of the number dates.

For me it's 10, the lines with 3 dots. 4, the 3 wavy lines, 23, the box with a line on top and bottom. 12, the triangle with a line.

Now go downstairs and make your way to the back room where you found the pad that you did the first puzzle, and tap the large cupboard that is on the left.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

In the top part of the cupboard you have to tap the boxes to match the symbols that you just got from the calendar.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

When you've done it correctly you can tap each side of the cupboard to open it and take the wrench and small figurine.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

Chess Board Puzzle

The figurine is needed on the small chess board. The clue you need as to where it goes, and where the other pieces go is on the drawing board on the other side of this same room.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

Tap the drawing board to zoom in on the six cards, you'll see images of the chess pieces, and on the reverse, if you tap each one, their location on the board.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

So you simply have to go back to the chess board and put all of the existing pieces, plus the figurine that you just found in their correct locations on the chess board.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

To move a piece just tap it, then tap the square where you want to move it to.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

When you have completed the puzzle a drawer will open from underneath the board and you can take the large battery that appears there.

Activating the X-Ray Machine

Now you have the large battery you can complete the puzzle involving the X-Ray machine. You can find this machine by going up the stairs, through the red door, then right again, where you will find yourself in the room with the small cupboard on the floor where you found the wrench and figurine originally.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

Tap the X-Ray machine on the right, select the wrench from your inventory. Tap the small box under the black screen and use your wrench on the two bolts. This will open it up.

Next tap the large battery and tap the space in the box and the panel will return itself.

Collectible:From the top shelf tap the can of tomatoes and it will go onto the conveyor belt, tap the arrow to make it go through and you'll see another black cat collectible.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

Back to the puzzle... The other clue we need is the piece of paper with the 4 object images on them.

In my game I have the duck, vase, alarm clock and rocket.

Tap the duck to put it on the conveyor belt and tap the go arrow.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

Then do the next one when the first item comes out of the other end.

As each item passes through the machine, you will get another code from the four objects.

The code I got was

  • A square with a dot in the middle

  • Half a square wth a line in the middle
  • Three lines with two being connect by one line in the right
  • A symbol similar to a number 9

When you have your four codes, tap the cupboard that is on the wall above the cupboard in the floor and enter the four symbols by tapping the boxes to change them.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

You can now tap the cupboard doors to open them up and take the items found inside which is the sandpaper and bag of flour.

Investigating the Footsteps

You now have the flour, with that we can start to investigate the footsteps that you may have been hearing in the game.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

Head back to the room with the blue desktop where you played the pad puzzle first of all in the game.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

Now use the flour on the floor. To do this, tap the flour in your inventory, then tap the floor. This will start a sequence and reveal a secret area in the house.

Secret Room Behind the Bookcase

There are a few things to note here, first of all there is a glass with a fingerprint on it on the table to the right of the room.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

To the left there is a cupboard that we need to get a code for to open.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

On the back wall there is a code. Tap it and use the sandpaper on it. This will reveal the code more clearly and you can use it on the cupboard in the same room.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

The codes I got was

  • 9 o'clock
  • Triangle
  • Cross
  • 3 lines

Head to the cupboard on the other side of the room to input the code and unlock open it up.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

When you open the doors you can take the bladecutter and a paintbrush.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

We can now start the process to life the fingerprint from the glass here's how to do it.

Lift the Fingerprint from the Glass

Tap the glass on the table again. Now, in your inventory tap the paintbrush and then the flour. This should get some flour onto the paintbrush.

Next, tap the paintbrush with flour and then tap the glass. This will make the fingerprint clearer.

The final step is to use the Scotch tape on the fingerprint, so tap the Scotch tape in your inventory, and then tap on the fingerprint on the glass once more.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

This will life the fingerprint and complete this puzzle.

Use the Fingerprint

There is a location in the main part of the house where we can use the fingerprint. Head back up the stairs and to the right, just before the red door. There is a table, click it, and note on the right there is a fingerprint scanner.

Use your tape with the fingerprint on the fingerprint scanner on the table.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

This will unlock the drawer and you can take the vacuum hose.

Investigating the Mouse Hole

Head back to the secret room and use the vacuum hose on the vacuum in that room.

Tap the vacuum hose and then tap the vacuum, it should attach and the hose will go into the hole. Finally, you justhave to tap the power button which is on the vacuum cleaner.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

The game will find something in the hold, the vacuum cleaner lid will open up and then you have to use the blade cutter on the vacuum bag because the zipper is stuck.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

Once done, take the magnetic card from the bag.

Using the Magnetic Card

To use the magnetic card you need to head back through the red door which is upstairs. Look towards the red drawers that you opened earlier, and you'll see a small safe on top of them.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

On the right of the machine there is a card reader, so use your card there to unlock the safe and tap the file that you find inside.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

Inside you'll find drawings from Bastian mentioning Penumbra.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

This will now start a story sequence that you just need to follow through.

What Questions to Ask at the Magic Shop?

It will take you to the Magic Shop. From the series of questions you are given, you can ask all of them in any order, it has no effect on the outcome of the game.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

Exit the shop and you'll head back to the station to carry on with the game.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

Just remember to take a note of Laia's reaction. If you read the witches book that may give you a clue.


Laia reacts scaredly when she see's the tatoo of the open scissors, we know from the witches book that witches are scared of open scissors.

At the Station

The first task you need to to is fix the paintings so that they look correct and will give you a map.

Just tap the individual paintings to move them around.

Once you have everything 100% correct, then game will progress and tell you that you now know the location of the cabin.

Escape from the Shadows Walkthrough

This will start another part of the story sequence which ends with Bastian and Lais trying to find their way out.


This brings us to the conclusion of the first part of our Escape from the Shadows walkhrough, up to this point we have completed the tasks in Bastian's childhood home, visited the magic shop and gone back to the station to complete the map.

The next part of our walkthrough deals with what happens next with Bastian and Laia, head on over to part 2 of our Escape from the Shadows walkhrough.


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