Reverse: 1999

Reverse: 1999 - How to Unlock System Features

By Paul | Nov 5th 2023

Reverse: 1999 has several helpful features that are locked behind story stages. These are unlocked as you progress through the game, allowing you to take time to learn the many new terminologies and somewhat familiar mechanics the game uses. In this article, we will discuss how to unlock the various system features of the game.

Reverse: 1999 - How to Unlock System Features
Reverse: 1999 - How to Unlock System Features

Progressing through the Story

The game's story progression is meant to gradually teach you the various mechanics and modes in the game, as well as slowly introduce new challenges, team building, and resource management. Don't worry, it may sound too arduous on paper but the game has a forgivable learning curve. Just playing the game regularly for a few days should be enough for most players to get familiarized with the game.

If you need detailed instructions on how to reroll, please check out our Reroll Guide.

For more information about which characters to keep on your reroll attempts, please check out our Best Characters to Reroll Guide.

For more information about the game's Gacha system, you can check out our Summon (Gacha) Guide.

Unlockable Features

Clear 1ST-1: Unlock Combat Speed x2

Unlock x2 Combat speed (this is the fastest, sadly). You can activate this by tapping the "fast-forward" icon in the top-right corner of the combat screen.

Clear 1ST-6: Unlock Traces

As you complete story mode and hard mode stages, as well as trails (the extra golden icons that appear on the story maps), you can earn Traces. These are some form of points that allow you to collect various rewards after reaching certain thresholds.

Clear 1ST-1: Unlock Dust Farming map

Clearing this stage will unlock the resource map "The Poussiere" where you can farm Dust (used for leveling up characters). Higher difficulty levels of this map yield more Dust and can be further unlocked as you progress far in the story.

Clear 1ST-14: Unlock Tuning Set "First Melody"

This is an ability innate to the player that you can use in combat that can help in manipulating your characters' incantation cards. This first set allows you to upgrade a 1-star incantation of your choice or re-arrange all cards currently deployed, while retaining the original incantation levels of the cards prior to reshuffling. Upgrading incancations using this ability doesn't consume AP so make sure to utilize it regularly in combat.

Clear 1ST-16: Unlock Wilderness

Clear the last stage of Chapter 1 "In Our Time" to unlock the Wilderness. This is a separate camp or base mode where you can create structures that allow you to earn resources passively over time, as well as place characters to passively increase their Bond with you.

Clear 2ND-3: Unlock Money Farming map

Clearing this stage unlocks the resource map "Mintage Aesthetics" where you can farm Sharpodonty (the game's main / common currency) needed for leveling up your characters. Higher difficulty levels of this map yield more Sharpodonty and can be further unlocked as you progress far in the story.

Clear 2ND-6: Unlock Hard Mode.

This will allow you to challenge previously-completed stages again at a higher difficulty and earn additional Traces. You can also farm certain character improvement materials here at a better drop rate.

Clear 2ND-8: Unlock Insight maps

Insight maps are where you can farm Afflatus (element) specific materials, needed to increase the Insight level (uncap) of your characters. Each element has its own stage, and you can unlock higher difficulty versions of each map as you progress in the story to earn more Insight materials.

Clear 2ND-10: Unlock Psychubes and Pneuma Analysis.

Psychubes are basically accessories that you can equip to your character to provide them with additional stat boosts and beneficial effects or buffs. You can only equip one Psychube per character so giving them the proper one in which they can utilize the effect is highly recommended.

Pneuma Analysis is a resource map where you can farm materials needed to improve your Psychubes, as well as earn a specific currency that you can use to purchase new Psychubes and other items in the Psychube Shop. (in-game store)

Clear 2ND-14: Unlock Kern farming map

Clearing this stage unlocks the resource map Harvest Prime where you can collect a material called "Kern" that is needed to upgrade buildings in your Wilderness islands.

Clear 3RD-2: Unlock Resonance system and Artificial Somnambulism map.

Both of these features require their own dedicated pages for better explanation but we will just summarize their functions here as much as we can.

Each character has a Resonance space. As you level up their Resonance level, they'll get more "ideas" in the form of Tetris shapes. Each idea represents various stats and the idea is to fit all possible ideas in the space provided.

To make it easier for you, you can just upgrade the Resonance level to at least LV2 then use the Quick Load feature to automatically fill the grids with any ideas (shapes) available to your character.

Artificial Somnambulism is just a separate game mode that you can clear to earn rewards such as clear drops and resonance materials.

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