How to Visit other players Cities
Visiting the cities of other layers in Brixity is a good way to make some in game friends, get ides for your own city and very importantly earn some great rewards. You can also help out other players with some gifts as you travel around.
You will first get the opportunity to visit cities when you Level up your Earth Restoration Center to level 5. At this point you unlock access to the City Tour option and the City Poll option in the space port menu in the lower right.
City Tour
The City Tour allows you to visit a recommended city, you will be able to walk around it in a third person perspective and while there you will be able to find and claim rewards from Treasure Chest boxes.
There is also the chance that you can meet new Pipo's in each city that you travel to. When you find them you can approach them to chat to them and if you offer them yellow daisies there is a chance that you can claim them to return to your own city and add them to your Pipo collection.
You will need to have City Tour tokens to make each trip to a city, these can be earned as rewards, mainly from the City Poll option as described below. But also from other events and activities in the game.
City Poll
Under the City Poll you will be able to view the cities of some random players that the game selects for you. You can look around the city to see their buildings and layout and then tap on 1 of 5 options to rate their design.
You can also find gift boxes around the city, these are an option for you to donate any Special Brix that the other player needs, you will need to have the Special Brix available to do this.
Each time you complete a poll rating for 3 others you will be able to collect a reward of City Tour tokens. You can collect up to 21 per day in this way which will let you complete more City Tours.
Social Visits
As well as these visit options you can also use the Social menu at the bottom to quickly visit the cities of any player you have followed.
You can follow players while visiting their cities using the methods above, or you can find friends through the Social menu if you know their nick name. If you want to share your name to help other find you then you can post it on the Add Me page here.
If the player you are visiting has created and published any blueprints in the game you can also view them during your visits. You can purchase them to then build in your own city and also you can rate them (there is a daily task to rate a blueprint).
How to get Visitors
Once you open up the City Tour options your city will also be open for others to visit. The more other players you visit and follow the more chance you will have of them following you back and visiting you.
You should also make sure to go to your profile screen (tap your avatar) and Take a photo of your city. You can add more photos and update them as your city grows. This will showcase your city and hopefully make other players want to visit.
It is definitely worth spending sometime each day to visit other cities and also to build up a list of players you can follow and hopefully follow you back. There are good rewards to earn and if you are lucky you can get some handy Special Brix donations.