Is Roblox Shutting Down

Sep 16th 2021

Occasionally some news or rumor breaks that Roblox is shutting down, this has literally been going on for years. The reality is that in 2021, Roblox is stronger than ever, with a massive playing audience, an incredible number of independent developers on their ecosystem and now multi billion dollar listing on the NASDAQ - we think it's safe to say that Roblox is going nowhere anytime soon.

Is Roblox Shutting Down
Is Roblox Shutting Down

So lets take a deeper look at how many people play Roblox, how many developers there are working on games and what sort of money Roblox is bringing in!

How many people play Roblox ?

According to sources on the internet, Roblox has over 40 million people playing the games on their platform every day. We got this stat here. This is a massive number and the platform has seen notable growth since it's inception in 2006.

If you want to know how many people right now are playing Roblox, then check out this site - when we checked, it shows that the current player total playing Roblox right now was close to 2 million!

How many developers are there on Roblox

As well as there being an incredible number of players on the Roblox platform, there are an equally startling number of developers working on their own apps for the platform, and while the exact figure is hard to nail down, sources point to there being over 350,000 people working on Roblox related projects currently.

How much money does Roblox make?

According to the last set of data related to Q2 2021, Roblox's revenue was $454m, which is more than double that over Q2 2021! What will next year bring, who knows, but with that kind of revenue growth we are pretty sure Roblox will still be around in years to come and won't be shutting down anytime soon.

Why do people thing Roblox is Shutting Down?

There are often vague rumors like this around the internet, check the Roblox official sources, and reputable news outlets to verify any rumor that Roblox may be shutting down or not.

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