Level 6 Walkthrough
More Escape Room: Ally's Adventure
This is our walkthrough for level 6 of Ally's Adventure . After finding Bozzi at school in Level 5 you have now returned home. It is time to eat.
Level 6 Walkthrough
You decide to cook some Spaghetti so you need to find the items and instructions to cook the meal.
Objective - Cook Spaghetti
First collect the Cheese Grater and Oil from the counter on the right. Then collect the Spice Box from the shelf above.
Examine the note on the side of the fridge to see a number. Then view the drawer next to the fridge, use the code to open it.
Code: 1695Show
Collect the Pasta from the drawer.
Next open the Fridge and look inside.
Collect the Heavy Cream and some Cheese from the shelf and then open the drawer at the bottom . Collect Tomato, Bell Pepper, Carrot, and Onion.
Now tap the Blue arrow to move to a bedroom.
Collect an Extension Cord from the bed by the Pillow. Then collect a Toy Car from the floor by the chair.
Next view the drawers by the bed to see one with a puzzle lock.
Bedroom Drawers Puzzle
- Select a block and then use the arrow buttons to move it.
- Arrange the blocks to let you move the Red Key square into the Green Lock box.
Solution: Show
Collect the Camera from the drawer.
View the Toy car in your inventory and turn it over to remove and collect the batteries.
Then view the Camera in your inventory. Turn it over and insert the batteries. Collect the camera again.
Now use the Extension cord on the power socket above the chest of drawers. Then view the socket and turn the power on.
Next view the extension on the floor and plug in the computer cord.
You can now view the computer but it will not work without WiFi.
Tap the Right Arrow to move to a Kitchen view. Then tap the Right arrow again to move to a hallway.
The wifi router is on the wall but is note working. View the top drawer to see a puzzle.
Star Laser Puzzle
- This puzzle has 2 stages.
- First on the left is a star symbol. You need to create this with the laser.
- Tap the arrows in the center shape so that when the laser light enters from the left it will be directed around and make a Star shape.
- When you have set them tap the switch on the left to let the light pass.
Solution: Show
After this you need to do the same for the pentagon on the right.
Solution: Show
Collect a Box Cutter, Tape and a Cable from the opened drawer.
Now view the router, collect the broken Power Adapter from the wall.
View the power adapter in your inventory and add the cable to it. Then use the box cutter to prepare the wires.
After this use the tape to complete the connection, collect the Power Adapter again. Add it back to the router again so that it works.
Return to the Bedroom and view the Computer. You will see an image of cooking. Use the Camera on this to start taking photos.
Press the button and you will take a series of photos of each stage of the process. Collect the Camera.
Now you can move to the kitchen and prepare to cook.
View the cupboards next to the oven and open them.
Collect the Pot from the oven and then from the cupboards collect a Kitchen Knife, a Chopping Board, a Pan, a Spoon and a Plate.
Then from the counter by the sink collect the Cauldron (strainer).
You now need to follow the cooking instructions in the photos.You may need to view the photos on the camera before you can complete all of the steps.
- View the chopping board in your inventory and add the Tomoto.
- Use the Knife to chop it.
- Add the onion and chop it.
- Add the Bell pepper and chop it.
- Add the Carrot and chop it,
- Collect the Chopped Vegetables.
- Now view the front of the oven to see the controls, tap the center one to turn it on.
- Place the pan on the hot plate and then add the Oil.
- Add the chopped vegetables.
- Open the Spice box in your inventory and collect the Spice Bottles.
- Use the spice bottles on the pan to add them as well.
- Add the Heavy Cream box to the scene and then open the lid, Then use the spoon on this to add heavy cream to the dish.
- You can now collect the Sauce Pan.
- Place the Pot on the hot plate next and then add to it the box of Pasta.
- After this you can collect the Pasta Pot.
- Move to the sink and add the Cauldron (strainer) to it.
- Then add the Pasta pot to tip it out. Collect the Drained Pasta.
- Return to the Hob and place the Sauce Pan on the hot plate again.
- Add the Paste to the sauce.
- Use the spoon to stir it.
- Collect the Spaghetti.
- View the plate in your inventory.
- Add the Spaghetti to it.
- Add the cheese grater and the cheese to this.
- Collect the Spaghetti again.
After this you have eaten and now want to go for a bicycle ride.
Objective - Fix the Ship
Collect the bicycle Chasis from the ground and then collect the wheel from the back.
View the green barrel on the floor on the left and move it to find a Screw to collect.
Look on the tall narrow shelves and collect the Break Lever and Break Wire.
Next view the large green cabinet on the right and then collect the Tool box.
View the toolbox in your inventory and tap top open it. There is a puzzle.
Maze Puzzle
- Use the arrows to move the figure of the girl from the bottom right to the exit on the top left.
- You need to find a way though the maze and avoid being caught by the 2 wolves
- The path will take you past bot wolves, you need to move quickly to avoid them.
Collect the Spanner and Screw Driver from the box. Now you can assemble the bike.
- View the Chasis, add the wheel to it.
- Add the Screw and use the Spanner to tighten it.
- Add the brake lever and use the screwdriver to fix it.
- Add the Brake Wire.
Collect the Cycle.
This completes level 6, move on to Level 7.