Five Nights at Freddy's 2

The Cast

The Cast
Five Nights at Freddy's 2 Guide


Toy Bonnie

The Cast


1.Show Stage

2. Party Room 3

3. Party Room 4

4. Party Room 2

5. Vent.

Tip: Active from 1st night. Listen for thumping in the vent.

Toy Freddy

The Cast


1. Show Stage

2. Game Area

3. Office Hallway

Tip: Active from 1st night. Mask is effective at scaring him away.

Toy Chica

The Cast


1. Show Stage

2. Main Hall

3. Party Room 4

4. Office Entrance -will either attack or leave.

5. If leaves- Party Room 4

6. Vent

The Mangle

The Cast


1.Kid's Cove

2. Ceiling in Prize Corner

3. Game Area

4. Main Hall

5. Party room 2

6. Vent

Tip: In the vent, she makes a beeping noise, put on the mask to send her to the office entrance, or she will hang on office ceiling until you check cameras and then kill you.

Balloon Boy

The Cast

1. Game Area

2. Left Air Vent

Tip: When he leaves the vent, he smiles at you. Put the mask on and he will leave, if you don't he will stand in the office and disable the flashlight, not killing you, but biding his time until something else does.

The Puppet

The Cast

He regardless if his music box stops. You know he is coming if you hear "Pop Goes the Weasel' from inside the office. Between 5 & 20 seconds later, he kills you. And you won't even see it coming, but we will. We told you a thousand time to wind your music box. You didn't listen and this is what you get.

Old Bonnie

The Cast


1. Parts and Service

2. Hallway

3. Main Entrance Hall Tip: Use the flashlight

4.Party Room 1

5. Left Air Vent

Tip: Listen for the thump and put the mask on. Usually not active until night three.

Old Chica

The Cast


1. Parts Service

2. Party Room 4

3. Party Room 2

4. Right air vent

5. Office

Tip: Use the mask when she gets into the office. Quickly. She moves after Old Bonnie on night three.

Old Freddy

The Cast


1. Parts and Service

2. Main Hall

3. Party Room 3

4. Main Office

Tip: If you check camera while he is around, he might disable it. Put the mask on quickly.

Old Foxy

The Cast

1. Not usually visible anywhere except the Main Hallway, but can appear in Parts and Service when everyone else is gone,

Tip: The Mask doesn't work on him. Flash your light at him and to "reset" and he will return to Parts and Service,

Golden Freddy

The Cast

Golden Freddy will appear as a whole golden bear-shaped killing machine in the left corner of your office or as a disembodied giant head floating down your hallway. If he is in your office, use the mask. If he goes the hallway route, use the flashlight. He won't appear until night six. If you live that long.


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