Cut the Rope

Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10 - Buzz Box
Cut the Rope Guide

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Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10-01: To complete this stage, start by cutting the middle rope, wait for the two stars on the side to get picked up and then cut the two remaining ropes.

Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10-02: Cut the stretched top rope first for the bottom star then cut the stretched rope at the bottom for the other one. Lastly cut the rope on the right near the top before the candy reaches the spot where Om Nom will be waiting.

Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10-03: Cut the top rope so the candy enters the bubble, then sever the one on the bottom left. Pop the bubble once it hovers over the cluster of stars.

Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10-04: Cut the right rope first, wait for the ropes to stretch as far as it would go and cut the bottom rope. This sends the candy into the bubble on the left, cut the bottom rope so that it snags the star then quickly pop the bubble.

Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10-05: Wait for the bee to grab the star on the lower right then hit the red button. Wait for the bee to collect the two remaining stars then hit the button again before cutting the rope, when the treat floats over where Om Nom is at.

Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10-06: Use the cushions to push the bubble past the spikes and grab stars.

Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10-07: Let the candy enter the nearest bubble, pop it once it gets the timed star. Let the other bubble grab the star nearest to Om Nom then pop it. Use the cushion to avoid the spike trap then cut the bottom rope when the bee moves to the left side. You can then go on ahead and feed Om Nom after that.

Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10-08: To complete this stage, drop the candy down onto the rail then quickly drag it upward. Cut the right rope then the one attached to the hook.

Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10-09: Use the hook in tandem with the bee to slip past the spikes trap.

Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10-10: Cut ropes to move candy from one bee to another and collect stars.

Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10-11: Stage strategy to be determined.

Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10-12: Drop the candy, wait for it to snag all three ropes then cut the lower left one. Pop the bubble then cut the middle rope when the bees go left.

Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10-13: Drop the top half of the candy when its other part passes underneath to make the treat whole then cut the lower right rope, when the bee pulls the ropes so that the candy is aiming at the upper right star. Drop the treat.

Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10-14: Blow on the candy, pop the bubble. You need enough momentum to claim the star at the bottom and also enter the bubble off to the lower right. Release the bubble so it snags the rope above, pop the bubble and blow on the candy so it enters the other bubble. Go transport the candy over to Om Nom.

Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10-15: To complete this stage, start by cutting the top right and bottom right ropes so you can collect the star on the left. Next cut one of the two remaining ropes so that the candy swings for the two stars before Om Nom eats.

Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10-16: Drop the candy into the red hat making sure that it snags only the bottom rope. Drop the candy into the hat again so it snags the top rope this time.

Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10-17: Start this stage by letting the candy pieces fuse together, then cut the upper rope for the star at the bottom then let the bubble float to the next one. Blow on the bubble before releasing it toward the final star and Om Nom.

Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10-18: To complete this stage, you'll need to cut ropes so that you can transport the candy upwards to Om Nom while aiming for the stars to get them.

Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10-19: Cut the rope farthest to the right then the one farthest to the left. Quickly cut the two remaining ropes after that before the candy hits the spikes.

Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10-20: Cut ropes to fling the candy to the stars without hitting the traps.

Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10-21: Send the candy into the red hat when the trampoline is to the far left side of the screen, then just wait for the candy to fall into Om Nom's mouth.

Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10-22: To complete this stage, cut ropes and let the bees fly in circles with the candy until you collect all the stars then drop the treat to Om Nom.

Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10-23: Use the bubbles to gain height before dropping the candy into the hats to get the stars. Use the cushion to blow the candy into the green hat.

Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10-24: Stage strategy to be determined.

Level 10 - Buzz Box

Level 10-25: Move the left candy piece from one rope to the next until the treat becomes whole. You should also have all three of the stars by this point as well.

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