Mr Autofire

Mr Autofire Codes (April 2024)

Updated: Apr 13th 2023

All of the redeem codes for Mr Autofire are below. While they are still valid, you can use these codes to redeem some free stuff for this game. Make sure to use them before they expire. Check back at a later date to see if more Mr Autofire codes have been released. We usually test all codes when we publish them on our website.

Mr Autofire Codes (April 2024)
Mr Autofire Codes (April 2024)

Mr Autofire Codes

We've been checking, but currently, there are no active codes for Mr Autofire.

Easter23Tap to copy

Redeem this gift code for x1 Summon Key

WorldHealthDay23Tap to copy

- Redeem this gift code for x3 Revives

RachelsBirthday23Tap to copy

- Redeem this code to get Summon Gate Keys (x2)

123461Tap to copy

- Redeem this code to get Amorita Shards (x2)

13537Tap to copy

- Redeem this code to get Random Shards OR Rings (x4)

213465Tap to copy

- Redeem this code to get Fursus Shards (x2)

23125Tap to copy

- Redeem this code to get Energy (x50)

416613Tap to copy

- Redeem this code to get Blazia Shards (x2)

6457Tap to copy

- Redeem this code to get Hecate Shards (x2)

92707Tap to copy

- Redeem this code to get Dr Toxic Shards (x2)

www.mrautofire.wikiTap to copy

- Redeem this code to get Hero Medals (x2)

Expired List

There are a number of expired codes which we have tried but could not get to work, these include:

























How to Redeem Mr Autofire Codes

To redeem these codes for Mr Autofire, please follow these steps:

1. Open the game

2. Click settings cog

3. Click Promo Codes

4. Enter the codes that you want to try and click ok.

If the codes are still valid and have not yet expired, you should get the corresponding reward as detailed above.

How to get more codes for Mr Autofire

Please return to this page another day to check for the latest codes for this game as well as looking at the complete list of all of the released codes for this game in case you have missed any. Codes for Mr Autofire could be released by the developers on a number of social channels, you can also follow those to stay ahead and grab the codes as soon as we do. The social channels that we follow in relation to this game are:


Maverick, Staff Writer

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